Picks 08/02 – 08/06

Another weekly review of my investing effort. You can review how my portfolios were doing this last week, review my Trading account, which is my aggressive portfolio where I buy individual stocks, my ROTH IRA retirement account which is my dividend investing portfolio (to which I am focusing the most right now) and my Lending Club account, P2P lending investment which is growing very well.

Trading Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week:

Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week:

Stocks dropped from portfolio this week:

Stocks watched this week:

Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk to
stop (%)
[tag]V[/tag] 20 72.14  -79.39 -5.22 67.28 1.1800 -11.60


Contribution this week $0.00
Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag] -11.69% Learn more
New positions available to open 0 Learn more
Starting [tag]account value[/tag] $1,534.18
Account value (without margin) $1,509.98 
Buying power $67.18
[tag]Portfolio Gain/Loss[/tag] this week -1.58%
[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for AUGUST 2010 -1.58%
Portfolio Gain/Loss for 2010 -48.50%
[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR) -36.30%

I have nothing much to say about this account this week. I am planning on rebuilding it and saving money for further trading, or better say investing and getting this account closer to Reverse Scale Strategy principles. The performance of this account is now more likely like the performance of Visa (V) stock, which was driven by market sentiment and news which can be referenced to as misleading, however many investors were scared of them enough to push this stock up and down during the last week. The next week I will continue on saving money on this account, however the main focus is still building my ROTH IRA portfolio.


Lending Club:


Debt notes
Available cash: $7.01
In Funding Notes: $50.00
Outstanding Principal: $655.82
Accrued Interest: $4.40
Account Total: $717.23  Net Annualized Return: 12.20% 
Contributions this week: $100.00
Weighted Average Rate: 12.40%
Expected Monthly Payments: $21.58
Payments to Date: $57.69
Principal Payments: $44.18
Interest Payments: $13.51
Late Fees Received: $0.00
Notes Invested In: 28
Average Note Amount: $25.00
Net Annualized Rate to date: Higher than 63% and lower than 37% of all investors.


Lending Club Interest
Click to enlarge
Lending Club NAR
Click to enlarge

ROTH IRA Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week:

Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:

NTF Mutual Funds
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
AIGYX 83.472 $13.99  $167.78 16.78% 5.34 24
ATIPX 106.395 $9.20  $38.66 4.11% 6.94 20
GABUX 77.118 $6.25  $11.19 2.38% 4.10 10
HISIX 26.918 $7.09  -$9.15 -4.58% 4.73 4
HSTIX 49.858 $8.36  $19.05 4.79% 3.36 9
SICNX 76.987 $7.28  $10.47 1.90% 4.83 12
SWDSX 62.474 $11.62  $21.78 3.09% 3.70 15
SWLSX 29.814 $9.71  $20.57 7.65% 2.16 6
Individual ETFs
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
IGD 29.0 $10.96  -$38.86 -10.89% 10.97 100
Individual stocks
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
JNJ 23.0 $59.96  $25.31 1.87% 3.74 100
Account target and current allocation
Individual stocks $1,379.08 42% 21%
NTF Mutual funds $4,812.16 38% 73%
ETFs $317.84 20% 5%
Asset Allocation vs. Wilshire 5000 Portfolio (%) Benchmark (%)
Large Cap Value 40.30 37.25
Large Cap Growth 31.63 36.60
Mid/Small Value 19.77 13.45
Mid/Small Growth 8.30 12.72
Stock Stats Portfolio Relative to
S&P 500
Avg. Expense Ratio 1.05
P/E Ratio 13.73 0.90
P/B Ratio 1.93 0.93
ROA 6.91 0.97
ROE 17.73 0.96
Projected EPS Growth 5yr% 7.61 0.81
Yield % 4.66 2.13

Contribution this week $0.00
Starting [tag]account value[/tag] $6,449.30
Account value $6,569.47 
Dividends received in AUGUST 2010 $4.99
Dividends received in 2010 $221.97
Portfolio dividends yield 2010 3.38%
Portfolio dividends yield lifetime 4.66%
Dividends received lifetime $306.09
[tag]Portfolio Gain/Loss[/tag] this week 1.86%
[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for AUGUST 2010 1.86%
Portfolio Gain/Loss for 2010 -3.97%
[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR) -4.05%
[tag]Portfolio Return[/tag] since inception -13.84%


Portfolio vs. Benchmark
Click to enlarge

(photo 1, photo 2 and photo 3 credits)

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

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