Portfolio monthly review – August 2010

I decided to change frequency of reviewing and posting my portfolio reviews from weekly to monthly. Weekly reviews are not as important as I thought originally and due to time issues I am not able to keep up posting in such frequency. So here is the review of August 2010 of my Trading account, which is my aggressive portfolio where I buy individual stocks, my ROTH IRA retirement account which is my dividend investing portfolio (to which I am focusing the most right now) and my Lending Club account, P2P lending investment which is growing very well.

Trading Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this month:

Stocks bought or added to portfolio this month:

Stocks dropped from portfolio this month:

Stocks watched this month:

Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk to
stop (%)
[tag]V[/tag] 20 71.50  -92.19 -6.06 67.28 1.6500 -11.60


Contribution this month $50.00
Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag] -11.39% Learn more
New positions available to open 0 Learn more
Starting [tag]account value[/tag] $1,539.39
Account value (without margin) $1,549.69 
Buying power $119.69
[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for AUGUST 2010 -2.83%
Portfolio Gain/Loss for 2010 -48.03%
[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR) -34.77%

It is amazing how the markets and investors react. Sometimes I have to laugh. One day you can see and read headlines such as:

Dow and S&P Best 1st Trading Week of September since 1982
Stocks rally as jobs data spurs optimism
Stocks move higher following jobs, housing reports

just to be preceded by:

Dow Logs Worst August in 9 Years
Stocks end a brutal August with meager gains
Stocks drop as fear returns ahead of key economic reports


A Commodity Stocks Surge Signals Strength
US stocks end week with a rally; Dow gains 1.7%
Stocks gain as Bernanke, GDP reassure investors
Stocks slip as caution about the economy returns

and today (September 7th, 2010) the worries about economy returns again:

Stocks fall as worries about European debt return

(all headlines found on Yahoo.com)

One day all is good the very next day all is bad, and the other day all is good again… hey, guys (Wall Street geeks), can you figure out what you really want? So is it good or bad?

From long term investing perspective, all this doesn’t matter at all. The only thing I know of is that these days of panic sell off is a great opportunity to buy cheap good quality stocks. So I am saving and preparing for buying more shares. More panics and drops are welcome here.


Lending Club:


Debt notes
Available cash: $24.20
In Funding Notes: $0.00
Outstanding Principal: $717.70
Accrued Interest: $5.41
Account Total: $722.06  Net Annualized Return: 12.30% 
Contributions this month: $100.00
Weighted Average Rate: 12.40%
Expected Monthly Payments: $23.25
Payments to Date: $69.63
Principal Payments: $52.96
Interest Payments: $16.67
Late Fees Received: $0.00
Notes Invested In: 31
Average Note Amount: $25.00
Net Annualized Rate to date: Higher than 65% and lower than 35% of all investors.


Lending Club Interest
Click to enlarge
Lending Club NAR
Click to enlarge

ROTH IRA Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this month:
08/31/2010 Bought 15.139 HSTIX @ 7.84

Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:

NTF Mutual Funds
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
AIGYX 83.472 $14.25  $189.48 18.95% 5.34 24
ATIPX 106.395 $9.20  $38.66 4.11% 6.94 20
GABUX 77.118 $6.12  $1.16 0.25% 4.10 9
HISIX 26.918 $6.93  -$13.46 -6.73% 4.73 4
HSTIX 64.997 $8.15  $13.27 2.57% 3.36 11
SICNX 84.265 $7.07  -$4.24 -0.71% 4.83 12
SWDSX 66.777 $11.27  -$1.59 -0.21% 3.70 15
SWLSX 29.814 $9.46  $13.12 4.88% 2.16 6
Individual ETFs
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
IGD 29.0 $10.82  -$42.92 -12.03% 10.97 100
Individual stocks
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
JNJ 23.0 $58.70  -$3.67 -0.27% 3.74 100
Account target and current allocation
Individual stocks $$1,350.10 42% 20%
NTF Mutual funds $4,986.91 38% 74%
ETFs $313.78 20% 5%
Asset Allocation vs. Wilshire 5000 Portfolio (%) Benchmark (%)
Large Cap Value 38.12 37.25
Large Cap Growth 33.80 36.60
Mid/Small Value 17.77 13.45
Mid/Small Growth 10.28 12.72
Stock Stats Portfolio Relative to
S&P 500
Avg. Expense Ratio 1.04
P/E Ratio 14.44 1.13
P/B Ratio 1.92 1.04
ROA 6.90 0.86
ROE 17.20 0.85
Projected EPS Growth 5yr% 7.81 0.80
Yield % 4.22 1.96

Contribution this month $100.00
Starting [tag]account value[/tag] $6,560.16
Account value $6,705.56 
Dividends received in AUGUST 2010 $13.29
Dividends received in 2010 $235.04
Portfolio dividends yield 2010 3.51%
Portfolio dividends yield lifetime 4.22%
Dividends received lifetime $319.16
[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for AUGUST 2010 -1.36%
Portfolio Gain/Loss for 2010 -4.76%
[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR) -4.10%
[tag]Portfolio Return[/tag] since inception -14.31%


Portfolio vs. Benchmark
Click to enlarge

As I wrote in my previous posts I have a goal to save $30,000 (into mutual funds) and then reallocate 16,000 dollars into individual stocks or ETFs. Instead of using savings account for this goal I decided to use no transaction fee mutual funds, which are cost free and allow me investing as little as one dollar as well as paying relatively high dividends. The list of mutual funds you can see in above review.

Here is the progress of my savings goal:

Savings progress

Investing Goal


My overall investing goal is to reach $500k prior to reaching retirement age or earlier. Since I have started quite late I will be looking for options how to boost my savings.

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

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1 response to “Portfolio monthly review – August 2010”

  1. Jeramy Phoun says:

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