Archive for March, 2017

Posted by Martin March 30, 2017

Trading Diary #3 (LULU) down more than 23%

LULU tragedy continued this morning when the stock opened down more than 23%. Surprisingly, it didn’t have any worse effect on my account than what was priced in last night when I recorded my notes on this piece if crap. You work hard and try to improve and make a few bucks and after you Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 29, 2017

Trading Diary #2 (LULU) got crashed

LULU reported 1.00 EPS, WS expected 1.01 EPS. A slight miss. But the AH chart looks like an end of the world. Blame guidance which made WS over-reacting (as usual).     This is a bad blow to my account. Hope, this shit will recover by tomorrow morning opening although I have very low expectations Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 29, 2017

Trading Diary #1

(Wednesday, March 29, 2017) Wow! And wow again. If you start predicting the market, this is what you get. I am glad I stopped predicting the market but focus on trading and adjusting those trades. But sometimes this can backfire too. Like my US Steel (X) trades which recently the stock acted so violently that Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 27, 2017

What a day today!

SPX opened down significantly as investors digested Trump’s healthcare failure. At least that’s what headlines were showing this morning. Evidently, they had great digesting today as the markets recovered most of the losses and went from 0.98% loss to about 0.10% at the end of the day. Let’s just hope that they will not suffer Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 26, 2017


Lately, I was quite busy and actually not in a good mood, so I wasn’t publishing my trade adjustments against US Steel (X) and Seagate Technology (STX). I was able to roll those trades quite successfully last week although both stocks were losing after a big selloff in Wall Street. And tomorrow, it seems we Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 15, 2017

(3) X strangle rolled

As the expiration is approaching, time to roll my ITM inverted strangle again (as I do not expect this one to expire worthless). In this roll I continue rolling my puts down and keep calls at the same level. If the stock continues moving higher, I will start rolling calls higher and keep puts at Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 14, 2017

Seagate Technology (STX) triple play adjustment

Last week, I made an adjustment to the Seagate Technology (STX) when the stock suddenly dropped. Maybe, I was a bit hasty adjusting the trade as the stock seemed to recover the losses. The sell off happened upon a downgrade from some so-called analyst who thought he could predict the future and all those clowns Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 12, 2017

Why I stopped contributing to 401k

Many future planner advisers who were trained to sell you their 401k plans to get their share of fees will be outraged if you tell them that 401k plans is a legal way how the financial industry is robbing us from our money and that there are better ways to save money for retirement. It Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 10, 2017

February 2017 options income

February 2017 trading went well. I opened a few very profitable trades which allowed me to close some “skeletons in the closet” mainly WYNN trades. That meant taking a loss but I am happy about it because that helped me to reduce exposure in that stock and still be profitable. Again, I expected $1,605 dollars Continue reading →

Posted by Martin March 10, 2017

Third US Steel (X) strangle trade adjustment

I have three strangle trades with X as underlying. Two of the trades we already rolled into the next week. Now was the time to roll the last one since the stock continued sliding down.     Here is a trade we had:   -3 X Mar10 37.50 calls -3 X Mar10 40.50 puts   Continue reading →