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Posted by Martin March 30, 2013


My Yakezie Progress

Proud Member of YakezieFirst quarter is behind us and for me it is time to start working on my performance review for the first quarter. At the beginning of the month I joined Yakezie Network challenge. I would like to post my monthly Yakezie progress:

When I joined the challenge on March 1, 2013 my Alexa rank was 1,798,936



Here are the values as time went by:

March 8, 2013 1,560,612
March 15, 2013 1,284,616
March 31, 2013 589,548

To me this is an excellent progress. When I was thinking about joining the challenge and I saw my original score I was thinking that it would be impossible to reach 200,000 Alexa rank or less within six months.

I am very impressed that I could lower my rank by more than 1 million points.

But I couldn’t do it without you, my readers. I appreciate your time you spend on this web site and leave a comment. I will work on providing a better content and advice based on my own experience in trading stocks and options.

Thank you all!

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Posted by Martin March 29, 2013
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Exploring your Investing Options with a Variable Life Insurance Policy

Exploring your Investing Options with a Variable Life Insurance Policy

This is a guest post from Ori Tal. Ori writes for the financial blog LifeInsuranceQuotes.net which is a blog that explores personal finances.

Many adults have two primary financial needs: provide protection for their family with life insurance and investing beyond what they are able to contribute to their plans. Thanks to its income tax advantages, variable life insurance policies have become the investment of choice for many savvy adult investors.

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Posted by Martin March 28, 2013


A Curious History of a Sucker

A Curious History of a Sucker

Once a friend of mine asked me why I named my website “Hello Suckers”. I told her it was because the web site was about investing and that all my investing career was one big disaster at that time. I invested like a sucker and I was losing money.

Jesse Livermore called these people “suckers”. I knew investing and trading wasn’t easy, but I thought I had found the holy grail of trading and wanted to share with other fellow suckers. Thus I welcomed them on my website and I wanted to show them how trading needs to be done to get rich quick with a very little account and very little effort.

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Posted by Martin March 25, 2013


A short break

I appreciate all my readers, please come to my web site and drop a few words, even if you think you cannot find anything valuable on this web site, I would like to hear about it and improve my posts.

Last two weeks I was extremely busy at work and this coming week will not be any better, so I skipped some of the scheduled posts and will be posting again later this week or next week.

Thanks you!

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Posted by Martin March 20, 2013


New Trade – Micron Technology Inc (MU) covered call

New Trade - Micron Technology Inc (MU) covered call

The Micron Technology Inc covered call order executed this morning. This is another trade utilizing a total return strategy. That means that I want the stock to be called away at expiration or even better be assigned prematurely. If assigned, either early or at expiration, I will realize a nice gain. If not assigned, i can keep the stock and continue selling covered calls as long as the stock gets called away.

I use total return strategy on stocks I do not intent to hold as a core investment in my portfolio. When I was thinking about using covered call strategy against the existing dividend paying stocks I immediately knew that I was afraid to lose my holdings being forced sell them if the stock ends above the strike price at expiration.

Do you want to lose your holdings which pay you a nice dividend? You are building up your ever-increasing money machine, cultivate your holdings, keep up your allocation and enjoy increasing payout anytime you add more shares to your holdings. And all of a sudden you get called away because you sold a covered call contract against the holdings in your portfolio. I didn’t like this potential outcome.

It is recommended using put selling against stocks you do not mind owning at expiration and somewhat discounted price (unless the stock falls away too deep). So why should I use calls to be called away if I do not want such result? The same recommendation goes for covered calls that you should use it on stocks you want to sell.

And that makes for investors two trade styles available: a partial return and a total return trade. A partial return trade is about avoiding your stock being called away. Sometimes to do so, you need to apply all sorts of trade repair strategies such as rolling the strike price out, away and so on.

To have a peace of mind I use buy-write strategy selecting stocks I am OK to own for a short period. But more importantly, I buy stocks just for the purpose of being called away. That’s how I generate an extra income.


One of the stocks I reviewed last night and I liked the outcome was Micron Technology Inc. Micron Technology, Inc., is a global manufacturer and marketer of semiconductor devices, principally NAND Flash, DRAM and NOR Flash memory, as well as other memory technologies, packaging solutions and semiconductor systems for use in computing, consumer, networking, automotive, industrial, embedded and mobile products. In addition, the Company manufactures semiconductor components for CMOS images sensors and other semiconductor products. The Company operates in four segments: NAND Solutions Group (NSG), DRAM Solutions Group (DSG), Wireless Solutions Group (WSG) and Embedded Solutions Group (ESG). The Company’s product include NAND Flash Memory, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and NOR Flash Memory. The Company’s manufacturing facilities are located in the United States, China, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Puerto Rico and Singapore.

From the technical analysis perspective the stock is approaching 3-year high and most likely reach the 10 dollar level and possibly breaks thru. It already broke thru $9 resistance and I would expect the stock staying above this level.

The company acquired Numonyx and Elpida which provides Micron with better diversification and access to phase change memory market, which can be a significant technology in the future.

The stock is however considered a cyclical stock and may experience cyclical volatility. This is why I decided to take longer dated trade to give the stock time to grow.

Most of the analysts are bullish on the stock.


03/20/2013 10:07:54 Bought 100 MU @ 9.21
03/20/2013 10:07:54 Sold 1 MU Jul 20 2013 10.0 Call @ 0.63


Own 100 shares MU: $9.21
Strike: $10.00
Sold 1 Covered Call: $0.63
Total Purchase: $63.00
Commissions: $8.78
Total purchase: $866.78
Expected Option Assignment: $1000.00
Option Assignment Fee: $19.00
Expected Proceeds: $981.00
Expected Net Gain: $114.22
Expected ROI: 13.18%

How do you trade covered calls? Do you trade them at all? If you trade covered calls, do you trade them against stocks you already own or do you trade buy-write, total return trades?


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Posted by Martin March 19, 2013


Wounded Warrior Project

Wounded Warrior Project

This is a guest post by Marvin posted originally on his blog Brick by Brick Investing on March 13, 2013

“Every good act is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.”
– Moliere

As many of you know but some may not I served in the United States Army for a number of years and cannot articulate the way it changed my life and the opportunities I was afforded because of that experience. However I’m not here to talk about myself today. I want to introduce you to the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). Quite simply this organization aims to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.
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Trade Adjustment – Realty Income (O) addition

Trade Adjustment - Realty Income (O) addition

Today morning my conditional order triggered a buy order. I bought 22 shares of Realty Income @ 44.00 a share. This trade increases my stake at Realty Income to 98 shares and I will be receiving $212.66 in annual dividend.

Originally I posted on my Facebook page that I purchased 25 and rounded my holdings to 100 shares. Well, I had my numbers wrong. I didn’t have enough cash at the time of placing the order, so I reduced the order buying less shares. Weill, I am still OK with these numbers.


03/19/2013 12:16:43 Bought 22 O @ 44


Total shares held as of today: 98
Estimated annual dividend: $212.66
Consecutive Dividend Increase: 15 years
Dividend yield today: 4.89%
Dividend 5yr Growth: 2.65%
Dividend paid since: 1994


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Trade adjustment – Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp (KOG) new covered call

Trade adjustment - Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp (KOG) new covered call

The previous February covered call for Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp expired worthless leaving me with maximum profit of $52 per contract (5.47%; 3% annualized profit). Since the option expired worthless I am allowed to sell another contract against the same stock.

I did sell another covered call this morning and collected another $60 per contract.


03/18/2013 10:25:02 Sold 1 KOG Sep 21 2013 10.0 Call @ 0.6

This trade adds to the overall performance of the entire trade. You can see the original trade here.

Here are the updated details about this trade if the stock gets called away in September (which is what I want):


Own 100 shares KOG: $9.41
Strike: $10.00
Sold 1 Covered Call: $0.60
Total Purchase: $60.00
Commissions: $8.78
Total purchase: $846.56
Expected Option Assignment: $1000.00
Option Assignment Fee: $19.00
Expected Proceeds: $981.00
Expected Net Gain: $134.44
Expected ROI: 15.88%

How do you trade covered calls? Do you trade them at all? If you trade covered calls, do you trade them against stocks you already own or do you trade buy-write, total return trades?


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Posted by Martin March 18, 2013


Calendar page added

Calendar page added

I like to watch my investments on regular basis. One thing I like the best is to see when my account receives payments. It is like a payday but this time it is monthly and sometimes several times in a month.

In our office we say “TGIF PD MF” every Friday when we receive a paycheck. I bet you all know “TGIF”. The “PD” stands for “Pay Day” and the “MF” stands for “Mother***”; well, I won’t continue in case children read this web. If we have no paycheck that particular Friday, then it only is “TGIF MF” or “TGIF MF no PD”.

So I want to quickly see when my investments have their “TGIF PD MF” and because I am a visual person rather than text one I created this page to visually see it.

Here is the calendar for dividends:


And here is the calendar for options:


The options calendar is a bit tricky, since I get the money immediately after I sell the put or call contract, but at expiration day I can finally say that the money are mine! Before the expiration there still is a chance that I may lose the trade. If it goes against me and I need to do a trade repair which may be costly that trade can turn into a loss.

Do you know when you are paid either the dividends or options?


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Posted by Martin March 17, 2013
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My inspiration in last week #14

My inspiration in last week #14

I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is.


This week I found the following interesting posts:

Before I had an investment plan I sold when I felt like it or when I thought the stock had run its course. That approach leaves much to chance; in the end, no decision made in a vacuum is perfect. Having a written investment plan helps make the decision to sell a stock easier for you.

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