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Posted by Martin January 06, 2012
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New trade – DO

This trade shall open on Monday next week:

Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc (DO)

Iron Condor

BTO 1 DO Jan21 2012 66.25 Call
STO 1 DO Jan21 2012 61.25 Call
STO 1 DO Jan21 2012 52.00 Put
BTO 1 DO Jan21 2012 47.00 Put

Price: limit credit $4.61

Max risk: $39
Max gain: $461 if price is between 52.00 – 61.25 at expiration

01/09/2012 – trade canceled – market maker unable to execute as condor combination, it may work as separate spreads, so I will review later if it makes sense to add as separate spreads.

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Posted by Martin January 05, 2012
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New trade – UNG

U.S. Natural Gas ETF (UNG)

Long call

BTO 1 UNG Apr21 2012 7 Call

Price: limit debit $0.25

Max risk: $25
Max gain: Unlimited

01/07/2012 – canceled, it didn’t meet the entry price

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Posted by Martin January 04, 2012
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New trade – GLD butterfly

When looking at GLD recently, we can see that it broke below its 200 day MA as well as it broke thru its long term trend. It seems GLD is poised to go lower. Today the market showed a bit weak trading (compared to yesterday’s big move), so I believe, GLD can get lower during this month. Right now it is attacking 200 day MA from which it may go back down to $150 or even lower.

I will play this downtrend by placing a butterfly on GLD:

SPDR Gold Trust

Put Butterfly

BTO 1 GLD Jan21 2012 154 Put
STO 2 GLD Jan21 2012 150 Put
BTO 1 GLD Jan21 2012 146 Put

Price: limit debit $0.58

Max risk: $58
Max gain: $350 at expiration if the stock lands at $150 per share.

01/05/2012 – order filled @ 0.58

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Posted by Martin January 03, 2012
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New trade – ATI; Trade adjustment – SLB

I am going to open a new contingent order:

Allegheny Technologies

Long Puts

If the stock’s last price is greater or equal than 54.20 then:

BTO 1 ATI Apr21 2012 55 Put

Price: at market (expected price per contract would be $6.2)

Max risk: $620
Max gain: Unlimited (potential target: $11.70 or $1170 per contract)

01/06/2012 – trade canceled, it didn’t meet the entry price

I am also going to adjust the following position by rolling up the upper body of the butterfly:


Put Butterfly

Unfortunately my broker doesn’t allow me to roll over with one order, so I have to close the upper body first and then open higher part later:

1st step:
BTC 2 SLB Jan21 2012 60 Put
STC 1 SLB Jan21 2012 65 Put

Price: limit credit $0.25

When filled, 2nd step will follow:

BTO 1 SLB Jan21 2012 70 Put
STC 2 SLB Jan21 2012 65 Put

Price: limit debit $0.93

This trade will be taken on both my accounts: TD trading account and ROTH IRA account.

01/04/2012 – I talked to my broker and they do not allow me to open an uneven butterfly, so I would need to treat it as spreads. For that I do not have enough money on my account and thus I cannot finish this conversion. Thus I am considering this trade as closed with a loss.
I sold the upper body for credit $0.23, with the original cost of $0.78 this trade is a loss 70%

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Posted by Martin January 03, 2012
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Trade adjustment CAT

Trade adjustment on Caterpillar:

Put Spread
STC 1 CAT Jan21 2012 90 Put
BTO 1 CAT Feb21 2012 90 Put
STO 1 CAT Feb21 2012 85 Put

Limit debit $0.15
New cost basis: $2.73

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Posted by Martin January 01, 2012
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New trades – GD, DB,

New trade ideas to be entered on Tuesday morning:

General Dynamics

Short stock
STO 13 GD at stop = $66.24; limit = $66.10
If filled, stop loss at $68.36

Max risk: $27.56
Max gain: Unlimited

01/03/2012 – trade canceled, it didn’t meet entry price

Deutsche Bank

Diagonal Put Spread
BTO 1 DB Apr21 2012 30 Put
STO 1 DB Jan21 2012 32.5 Put

Limit debit $1.75

Max risk: $425
Max gain: Unlimited after January expiration

01/03/2012 – filled @ 1.75 debit

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Posted by Martin December 31, 2011
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2012The old year 2011 is coming to its end and it is a time to review the old year and make a resolution for the new year 2012.

Reviewing the old year I must admit that it was a very successful year. I finally was able to get closer to my dream – trading for a living. I am not out of the forest yet and trading for a living yet, but I am trading and that’s what makes me satisfied.

Of course, my trading is not on my own, but under a trading coaching from a professional trader. When you take a look at my trading performance, it is not perfect yet, but I can see a huge difference from previous years. I started my coaching four months ago and I was able to recover my trading balance of 2011 year and end up flat. I hope that next year I will be able to finally make money and recover my account.

My other accounts such as Lending Club also performed well. Thanks to my rules of selecting debt notes and eliminating potential bad notes. During the year I slightly modified my rules of selecting new notes by adding another filter to my original rules described in this post “Lending Club“: length of employment more than 4 years” and to my bad notes eliminating process described in my “How to avoid default notes when investing with Lending Club” I added one more rule: When the FICO score suddenly drops very low (to 500 or lower) I sell such a note even though it is still current. These rules helped me to maintain my annual return at 12.53% (an improvement from 12.47% last year, see in my post “My goal with Lending Club“) Also my goal of generating income from Lending Club improved from 15% to 43%. Although I am following all the rules when investing with Lending Club, I have only one note which may potentially get default and overall improving results.

On my ROTH IRA account I have the same results as last year. I didn’t have much time to pay attention to this account and I am following my rules. I still will be dividend investing in this account and also small portion will be used for trading to boost income which can be reinvested.

As far as this website, I am working on a new image and hopefully upload the new website soon. It will also change some stuff such as categories and the way I am reporting the new and exited trades.

I would like to wish happy new year 2012, success, love, health and good trading or investing results. Let the new year be better than the old one and all your dreams may come true. Celebrate the New Year 2012 safely and see you next year!

Happy Trading in 2012!

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Posted by Martin December 21, 2011
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Wacky Trading today

SPX opened lower on worries over the Europe (like we haven’t heard about it previously), then technicals got in, mainly Oracle’s bad results and pushed the market (SPX) all the way down to 1230. That looked scary! At least for me since two days ago I reversed my bearish outlook into bullish and I started seeing nice profit in my SPY long calls. And today morning this gains were vanishing again!

Isn’t that frustrating?!

Then news about Yahoo! and Bank of America deal pushed the market back up and SPX closed with moderate gain. Technically it is a good sign, keeping the market in positive territory for upcoming Santa Claus rally, which now looks more realistic to happen. From historical perspective it should start on Monday next week and last the whole week. In average such rally should bring a nice 1% profit.

I am expecting the market to push towards 200 day MA and maybe even above it. If that happens I should see nice profit on my SPY calls.

I am looking on undertaking couple more bullish trades, but currently my broker is holding my money (I deposited some cash and when trading non-marginable securities he holds the money for three business days), so I have to wait. Tomorrow I should be able to open new trades.

Hopefully the market will sustain its short term bullish momentum and I will be able to ride it up. As soon as we hit 200 day MA, I start using tight trailing stop loss, because overall market outlook is still bearish. I have seen some traders expecting SPY to go as low as 118 level in January. The reason would be worsening data from the US and possible break up of Euro zone, which is IMHO inevitable. So trading this market can be quite dangerous and hard… and very frustrating!

Let’s see what Mr. Market brings us tomorrow.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin December 20, 2011
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Is Santa Claus Rally undergo?

As I wrote yesterday, we could break down thru the support or bounce back. The market was oversold and there were no significant negative news to push it lower, however because of Europe, there still was a risk of going lower.

It seems like we are bouncing instead. The SPX surged 2% up at opening and it looks like it will be marching higher. Will this be the rebound? If so, we will see a Santa Claus rally.

But more important than Santa Claus rally would be that the market is making a new higher low. If the market creates a new higher low, we may expect it going back up to 200 day MA and most likely break it above and create a new higher high. That would signal that we are in a new bullish trend.

I am going to take that risk and this morning I reversed my bearish trade in SPY into a bullish by buying calls. Let’s see what Mr. Market has ready for us.

Happy Trading and Merry Christmas!!!

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Posted by Martin December 19, 2011
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Today’s trading

Today's trading

The trading was a bit quiet today, however the market tanked due to banks. I also think it was partially due to European crisis as well. Recently in Germany a poll was taken and it revealed that more than 50% Germans wish to go back to Deutsche Mark rather than staying with Euro. More and more people are not willing to rescue the Euro zone anymore although politicians are still playing the same tune. However, in the next election Mrs. Merkel can be gone and then everybody will be surprised how quickly the entire Euro zone breaks down.

The European Union didn’t agree on lending money to IMF. Funny part was that originally this was a German proposal to back IMF up with 200 billion euros, but then Germany said, that it will add money to IMF only if others will. The USA already refused to participate on this risky adventure, so Germans said they won’t participate either. At least, for me this is a good news. Europe is naively thinking that by borrowing more money they will rescue their debt. Sucking healthy countries into this mess will worsen the situation not improve. It is like when you owe a lot of money that you are no longer able to pay back and the solution would be to borrow even more money to pay the original loan back. Will this solve your debt situation? Of course not. I wonder who else will be willing to lend money to Europe as a whole.

So today’s trading was quite mediocre in terms of volume, but the drop was significant. SPX dropped by 1.17% today. It is however quite normal having such volatile market during holidays. Most of the investors or traders are out of the market for vacation, so with low volume the market will be more volatile.

Nevertheless I decided to take a few trades:

I decided to close my Citigroup trade and move on. I didn’t manage this trade very well and missed a few good opportunities. I got out last week, but wanted to re-enter. Upon today’s price action I decided to give this stock up and close it with a loss. Maybe later I may re-enter when financials finally show some strength. But when looking at the mess in Europe I think this sector will remain beaten up (down). As soon as more issues come up from Europe, banks will be the first who would suffer. There may be some short term bounce, but I am not sure if I would participate.

On my short term SPY put position I will keep a very tight stop loss to take advantage of the downtrend and get out as soon as the “Santa Rally” starts. Well, if it starts at all. There is too big pressure from Europe which may push investors away from stocks to avoid surprises over the holidays. So instead of buying, they may be selling.

I decided to play TLT bearish vertical put spread. I saw this trade on MyTrade analyzed it and I liked the outcome of the trade. so I decided to open a position in TLT.

Same with SLB.

Well, let’s see where the market takes us over the holidays. At this point, it looks like we may go all the way down to 118 level (on SPY). We slightly touched 120 level ($120.03) today. Tomorrow we may see a little bounce, or if the weakness continues, we may go to the next major long term support which is on 118 level. We can also go even lower to 116 per share if there will be enough pressure. We will see whether that happens or not.


Click to enlarge

Happy Trading and Merry Christmas!!!

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