Posts Tagged With 'TWTR'

My trades against SPX, TWTR, expired for full profit today, VMW got filled

My trades against SPX, TWTR, expired for full profit today, VMW got filled

During last week and the week before I opened a few new trades against SPX, TWTR, and VMW. All of the trades against SPX & TWTR expired today for a full profit. After losses I generated during September 2014 I had to go back down from the “heavens” of my pride and basically start over. Continue reading →

New Trade – Bull Put Spreads against Twitter (TWTR)

New Trade - Bull Put Spreads against Twitter (TWTR)

Twitter (TWTR) – a stock I have always looked at with disrespect, because it does nothing, it creates nothing, it delivers nothing. It is worthless. It only allows people to waste their time online. That was what I thought about this stock and many times I told myself that I would never invest in a Continue reading →