Posts Tagged With 'V'

Posted by MartZee August 23, 2010

Visa was dropping as one mutual fund was selling and investors panicking

Marsico Capital Management was among the biggest sellers in the second quarter of Visa Inc., the world’s largest payments network, and Vanguard Group Inc. added to its holdings, as the stock posted its steepest decline in almost two years. Marsico liquidated its remaining 10.4 million shares and also closed out its investment in No. 2 Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee August 23, 2010

Optimism in Visa rising, but will it be enough?

Recently we saw Visa (V) being beaten down and staying under a significant pressure as investors were trying to determine the impact of regulation act on the company. In my opinion, these expectations were too pessimistic and although CEO claimed in his press release couple months ago that the so called “finreg” will have very Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee August 09, 2010

Visa launches mobile payments

Investors freaking out based on Bloomberg’s Boo-boo news about AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ) who announced development of their own mobile payment processing expecting to displace Visa’s (V) debit cards and thus threatening Visa and Mastercard (MA) and who were then selling those stocks – now be ready to buy them back. AT&T and Verizon Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee August 02, 2010

Will debit cards be displaced with smart phones?

The Bloomberg article says that AT&T and Verizon are “planning a venture plan” that is to displace credit and debit cards with smartphones, and such plan is posing a new threat to Visa Inc. and MasterCard Inc. The trial would be the carriers’ biggest effort to spur mobile payments in the U.S. and supplant more Continue reading →

Posted by MartZee August 02, 2010

Why is Visa a great buy opportunity?

Recently Visa (V) was pushed down several times and mostly because of boo news. Somebody is clearly manipulating the stock. Somebody is scared of Visas prospect. Why? Who knows and who cares. The best of all this is, that Visa is still a 100 dollars stock. Buying at these levels we experience today provide you Continue reading →