If you must deal with burdensome debt or a financial crisis, a reserve of ready cash may seem like the perfect solution. In fact, financial experts suggest that you set aside three to three-to-six month’s income as an emergency fund, or you may be tempted to tap your retirement account for cash to cover an Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'ROTH IRA'
Why dividend investors are selling and why they will regret it
A few last months I noticed that dividend growth investors are selling their stocks and they say it is because of valuation. This post was inspired by them and the latest post by my friend Ferdis publishing at his blog DivGro and his latest post. The argument goes that the stock market is too Continue reading →
Picks 07/19 – 07/23
I am presenting you with my weekly results of my effort in building my money making machine. See my investments and their results in my three accounts: Trading account, which is my aggressive portfolio buying individual stocks, my ROTH IRA retirement account which is my dividend investing portfolio and an account with Lending Club – Continue reading →
Picks 07/12 – 07/16
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Stocks watched this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]V[/tag] 20 71.45 -93.19 -6.12 67.28 2.3500 -11.60 Contribution this week: $0 Current Continue reading →
Lending Club
Some time ago when the entire market was going down I was thinking how else I could boost my savings to create wealth faster than just by saving $100 a month. I was thinking whether to take a second job or not, or how to increase the money I can invest. This is why I Continue reading →
Picks 07/05 – 07/09
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: none Stocks watched this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk tostop (%) [tag]V[/tag] 20 77.38 25.41 1.67 67.28 2.7300 -11.60 Contribution this week: $0 Current Continue reading →
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