February 2016 is over. To me it marks a new milestone in my trading career. In my past posts I mentioned that if I will not be able to make profit trading options against SPX, I stop trading this strategy. This time has arrived. I tried hard. I tried everything I could to make my Continue reading →
Archive for February, 2016
New dividend stock purchase – Valero (VLO)
I was trailing this stock down since I put it on my radar to purchase. In this post you can review the entire process of using this trailing strategy. And on February 22nd I purchased 17 shares of Valero (VLO) stock. I like the stock and its data. Two days ago, my price Continue reading →
Dividend Investor: Buying Valero (VLO) using OTO order in ROTH IRA account
UPDATE 02/19/2016 Today, the stock went up +2.68%. Our new OCO limit order price increased as is shownb in our spreadsheet calculating our entry price: (Click to enlarge) Since our previous limit price is lower than today’s one ($57.84 previous day limit) we will keep our previous limit in place. We will not Continue reading →
Markets still flashing a recession
CNBC has it sometimes right, be it Rick Santelli or Carter Worth. Although many technical analysts saw this way before Carter, it holds water. Watch and judge for yourself:
Is Yellen going to sway the markets tomorrow? Probably not.
But some of those FED addicts may hope for it. All of us others let’s be prepared for any outcome and make our trades accordingly. Those who hope for Yellen saving the trend will be probably disappointed tomorrow and even if the market shows us some push, I believe, we are way beyond any trend Continue reading →
Shocking: The USA economy in a disastrous death spiral
(Source: Hedgeye) The FEDs and the government want you to believe that the US economy is in great shape and better than ever. But you can ask yourself a simple question: Are you better off than 8 years ago? If you answered yes, then why are we receiving horrible numbers from all corners of Continue reading →
Bull is dead, long live the bear!
(Source: Hedgeye.com) Last Friday trading and rally was impressive. I hoped it would last longer than this. Today, the market gave up almost all gains from Friday. It really didn’t take long. First, the Friday’s rally was based on a Bank of Japan’s decision to lower the interest rates below zero (negative rates), which Continue reading →
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