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Posted by Martin November 07, 2011
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Stocks ended higher today

Late rally today pushed DOW index back above 12,000 points on Euro optimism. In my opinion this optimism doesn’t take into account Italy’s problems with ECB and bonds rate rocketing up. As per the news, the rally started at 2 pm EST on news that Greece will receive the latest installment of emergency aid.

However, it would receive it as long as the country’s two main parties commit to implementing economic reforms agreed to by the country’s previous government. And that still may be an issue. Will the provisional government be strong enough to push those reforms thru? All those reforms will be very painful and people already suffered wage reduction, unemployment benefits reduction and more should be coming.

How will the market react on this issue and how will it react when Italian issues surface more into investors’ attention? Or is market accounted for those problems?

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Posted by Martin November 07, 2011


European Central Bank (ECB) warns Italy to stop buying its bonds

ECB warned Italy last weekend that it would stop buying its bonds if it won’t pass required reforms of Italian budget to get Italian debt under control, said Yves Mersch a member of a bank governors board. Currently ECB is buying Italian bonds to slow down rates and prevent them from skyrocketing. Although ECB’s interventions the Italian bond rates reached almost 7% today.

ECB ended buyouts of bad bonds of the countries suffering with debt crisis some time ago, however due to worsened debt situation it was forced to start buying bonds back. In last few months ECB has bought bonds for 100 billions Euro. Main portion of bought bonds were Italian. “When we see our interventions sabotaged by the lack of effort of the national governments, then we ask ourselves if those interventions can provide the required improvement” as cited by Italian newspaper La Stampa.

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Posted by Martin November 07, 2011
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Italian 10-year bonds reached all year record highs today

The Italian bond rates reached all year new highs since Italy joined Eurozone. Today, it raised to 6.67% and that creates a tremendous pressure to Italian budget to pay their loans. ECB intervention couldn’t help this skyrocketing move.

Due to investors’ worries about Italian debt the new rate reached almost 7% and as Reuters says it is unsustainable level for Italian budget. Investors are worried that Italy can become a second victim of the debt crisis in Eurozone.

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Will this new turmoil push the world markets down? We will have to wait for it. A few more days would reveal the next move. If more downside pressure occurs on SPY, that will be a great opportunity to short the market. In that case I will buy some puts on SPY.

Happy Trading!

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Stocks Will Be Cheap When the S&P 500 Tumbles 25% Says Portfolio Manager

There’s an old saying about lousy stocks on Wall Street: “If you liked XYZ at $50, you must love it at $25.” Along those same lines, it could be argued that if you think stocks are cheap now, just wait until you see how cheap they are when earnings estimates come down.

According to Mike Mullaney, portfolio manager at Fiduciary Trust, earnings estimates for next year have to come down another 15% before stocks should be considered cheap.

“It’s not pretty, 925 (on the S&P 500) is kind of the going rate on a worse case scenario among strategists if we do go into a recession period,” Mullaney says in the attached clip. “Most likely there will be blood in the water at that point in time, and most likely that would be a good entry point.”

Mullaney won’t consider the market cheap until he sees 25-30% drop in the S&P pushing it to levels not seen since mid-2009. But he’s not suggesting that stocks are expensive on a historical basis because 12-times estimated earnings is far cheaper than the long term averages.

Read the whole article here…

So are we here yet? It goes in hand with my expectation that the market recovered too fast and too quickly in 2009 – 2010 compared to economy, so now we are in correction of such run. We may go that far down or even lower and it is not a recession as many are trying to say, it is just a correction of too wild recovery not supported by economy, which is still a bit lousy.

Happy Trading

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Posted by Martin November 03, 2011
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WYNN weekly puts for income

Another trade I would like to take is some income producing trade. I will sell weekly options against my long puts. Currently I hold
1 WYNN Dec 17 2011 130 Puts

and I will sell

1 WYNN Nov 11 2011 (weekly)125 Put @ limit credit 1.35 per contract.

Basically this trade will be adjusted into a diagonal spread. The new trade (if it opens) will reduce the original cost of the long puts by $135, lowering it from $9.25 to $7.9 per original contract. If this new trade expires worthless next week, I will be able to repeat this trade.

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Posted by Martin November 03, 2011


Potash Corp (POT) diagonal Spread

Another trade I am planning to take is a long term diagonal spread on Potash Corporation (POT). The stock recently (on multi-year chart) had run to a multiyear high at the beginning of 2011 and then it corrected down to around $45 a share.

Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. produces and sells fertilizers and related industrial and feed products primarily in the United States and Canada. The company mines and produces potash, which is used as fertilizer. It also offers solid and liquid phosphate fertilizers; animal feed supplements; and industrial acids that are used in food products and industrial processes. In addition, the company produces nitrogen fertilizers, as well as nitrogen feed and industrial products, including ammonia, urea, nitrogen solutions, ammonium nitrate, and nitric acid.

There will always be a great demand in food industry and Potash plays a significant role in this process.

Therefore in the longer term I think this stock will go higher. But over time. There may not be a huge upward run in the nearest time, so I am planning to take a diagonal spread using LEAPS Jan 2013 calls and sell against it December 2011 50 calls. This will reduce the cost of my January calls and it will work as covered calls – producing income (hopefully) during the lifespan on January 2013 LEAPS.

For this short term period, I expect the ideal landing spot to be at or around $50 at expiration in December. If the stock expires, I can re-sell another calls against the January LEAPS. I may be able to open some spreads as well to produce income. If the stock rises above $50, I will have to buy December calls back, but my January LEAPS will increase in value in s faster pace to pay for this buyback.

So I placed an order for the following tomorrow opening:

1 BTO January 2013 45 calls
1 STO December 2011 50 calls
Limit debit: $7.80 per spread

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Posted by Martin November 02, 2011


Short Wynn Resorts Ltd (WYNN)

Short Wynn Resorts Ltd (WYNN)

I had a short discussion with one of my readers via emails whether I would be willing to be issuing a newsletter in which I would be presenting my trades. I am not planning to do that at this point. Maybe later. However, I will try to present some of the trades I am considering to open. Since I am busy during my days I am not sure in what extend I will be able to do it. I will try to show as many trades I am considering as possible.

This time I am looking at Wynn Resorts Ltd (WYNN). The stock had nice upward run during last several months, however recently (at the end of September 2011) it broke thru its long trend line and fell down to 110-ish level.

Wynn Resorts Ltd (WYNN)
(Click to enlarge)

The stock rebounded and continued back up to its 200 day SMA and its long term trend line. It didn’t have enough strength to continue higher and the cycle repeated. Now we are at the situation when this stock may go back down to re-test 110-ish level.

If I am correct and the stock heads down tomorrow I will buy 1 contract of 130 December Put. To do so I will place a contingency order:

If the last of WYNN is less than or equal to 130.67
Buy to open 1 WYNN Dec 17 2011 130.0 Put at market

If filled I’ll place a stop loss order @ 142.59 where I will sell the put. The stock is high beta stock and currently it moves 5% per day.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin November 01, 2011


Greece hazarding with trust of other countries and investors

It doesn’t even make any sense to comment the news about Greece to vote in referendum about accepting next help from other members of EU. Unfortunately I opened some protective short puts recently which eliminated much of the gains I could make today. But no worries, we will be heading further down.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin October 27, 2011


Farage: EU agreement is not bailing out Greece, but keeping it in prison

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Posted by Martin October 27, 2011


Did EU summit solved the debt crisis in Europe?

The financial market is now enthusiastic about the deal the leaders of European Union reached in overnight summit. The Dow shot almost 4% up today. I, however, wonder how the (today) optimistic investors will react when the actually read the agreement and find out that it was a very vague proclamation solving nothing. I bet they will be panicking once again. European leaders didn’t solve the crisis, they just kicked the can more down the road. The nearest danger of spreading the debt from Greece to other countries was just moved further in time. It may not spread directly now, but it will spread thru the private banking back to other states, but at this time the crisis will be deeper and stronger because other, until then, uninvolved and healthy countries will be sucked into the problem.

The Greek debt write-off is not sufficient to solve its crisis. By 2020 the Greek debt is supposed to drop down from current 160% of GDP to 120% of GDP. But that doesn’t solve anything. Other European countries, such as Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Spain, whose debt is at 120% of GDP or around also asked for help from European funds. Other issue may be that the same write off of the Greek debt is simultaneous with recapitalization of private European banks. At the first look, this may look as a brilliant strategy, but this is nothing more than just pushing the debt from Greece to private banks. But those banks won’t be able to bear such burden of the write-offs and they start bankrupting (Lehman Brothers effect). To prevent this each individual country will provide guarantee for those banks and bail them out (obviously using taxpayers’ money). Thus this debt will exist, but at this time still healthy countries will be sucked into it.

That will return the crisis back and stronger in a half-year or a year period (mid or second half of 2012). However, Europe will be weaker at that point and less capable to fight the crisis.

Happy Trading!

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