A Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis announced that he resigns due to “certain preferences” among some Eurogroup participants. In other words, those participants couldn’t stand him anymore. And $SPX futures responded to the news with a rally (which of course will be a short lived, most likely): I only have a few words for this: Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'Greece'
Greeks vote NO and send futures to abyss
Here we go again. Now I can say I thought Greeks would reject the Euro-offer, but before that I didn’t dare to say it. What if they chose the opposite, right? I must say that this vote contains so much stupidity in it that it stunned me a lot. If we take off all the Continue reading →
Should you short SPX on Monday upon a GREXIT?
I wouldn’t be so fast jumping the gun and short this market. Futures reacted very negatively on the Greek referendum announced by an irresponsible socialist government. Not only Greeks cannot afford the referendum, the whole EU cannot afford losses from Greeks. Although Greece is posting a nice drama (or tragic comedy actually) I believe all Continue reading →
S&P 500 futures collapsed. If it doesn’t recover by tomorrow, markets will open down.
The news came in. Greece refused to apply for a bailout plan extension considering it “unacceptable”. This is sending dollar higher against Euro and S&P 500 futures just collapsed from last Friday’s new all-time high: Although there is still plenty of time for the futures to recover (until tomorrow morning when the US markets open) Continue reading →
European Central Bank (ECB) warns Italy to stop buying its bonds
ECB warned Italy last weekend that it would stop buying its bonds if it won’t pass required reforms of Italian budget to get Italian debt under control, said Yves Mersch a member of a bank governors board. Currently ECB is buying Italian bonds to slow down rates and prevent them from skyrocketing. Although ECB’s interventions Continue reading →
Italian 10-year bonds reached all year record highs today
The Italian bond rates reached all year new highs since Italy joined Eurozone. Today, it raised to 6.67% and that creates a tremendous pressure to Italian budget to pay their loans. ECB intervention couldn’t help this skyrocketing move. Due to investors’ worries about Italian debt the new rate reached almost 7% and as Reuters says Continue reading →
Greece hazarding with trust of other countries and investors
It doesn’t even make any sense to comment the news about Greece to vote in referendum about accepting next help from other members of EU. Unfortunately I opened some protective short puts recently which eliminated much of the gains I could make today. But no worries, we will be heading further down. Happy Trading!
Did EU summit solved the debt crisis in Europe?
The financial market is now enthusiastic about the deal the leaders of European Union reached in overnight summit. The Dow shot almost 4% up today. I, however, wonder how the (today) optimistic investors will react when the actually read the agreement and find out that it was a very vague proclamation solving nothing. I bet Continue reading →
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