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Posted by MartZee May 11, 2010
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Medifast (MED) added to portfolio

This time I weighted my decision to buy this stock and since the stock is one of the leaders which survived the drop and even rose in price, recently it received “strong buy” recommendation I decided to add shares of this stock into my portfolio.

14:07:44    Bought   45  MED  @  34.1399

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Posted by MartZee May 10, 2010
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Should we chase this rally attempt?

When looking what the stocks, mainly those I was ready to buy back did this morning I said to myself “I should have hold them and I shouldn’t have stop loss applied. Today these stocks opened mostly with gaps and I could have made money.” Yeah. This is what I have tried last Friday and cost me money. There will be many other opportunities and chasing stocks just to make up previous loses is really a bad idea.

And the market can still turn down at the end of the day.

What is behind today’s rally? Just another hype based on Europe trillion dollar rescue plan. C’mon, is this anything solid? Stocks are rallying just because in Europe they will spend trillion of dollars to rescue Greece (which in my opinion will do the same job as throwing money out of the window) and other countries in troubles. Most likely they will have to print new Euros to do so.

The Wall Street is crazy.

I would agree jumping in if the rally would be based on the news of 290,000 new added jobs last month, but that doesn’t seem to be the fuel of this madness.

However, let’s see what the market will do today and next few days. Maybe the rally attempt will sustain and I can start buying back. This time with clear mind.

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Posted by MartZee May 07, 2010
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Grrr I am so upset

I am so upset with myself now. All the rules and strategies I was working on for so long trying to protect my money and today morning I threw it all away.

Visa has been already sold on stop loss with a loss. I am such an idiot!!! Well I am expecting MED to follow soon. I am planning on buying these stocks, but this was too early and greedy vision of buying cheap blurred my mind.

OK, MED has been sold right now and I gave up some $200 dollars this morning. @##$%^@

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Posted by MartZee May 07, 2010
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Visa, Medifast added to portfolio

This morning I added an initial positions of Visa and Medifast to my portfolio with very tight stop loss.

05/07/2010   09:40:16  Bought  20  V  @  84.0394
05/07/2010   09:46:15   Bought  50  MED  @  32.5399

However now I am admitting that these trades were a complete violence of my rules, so I am expecting to pay my “penalty” for it. Let’s see.

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Posted by MartZee May 06, 2010
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TSL sold on stop loss

This morning TSL has been sold on stop loss:

05/06/2010   10:12:12   Sold  30  TSL  @  22.01

The drop of the entire market is impressive!! Great buying opportunity when this sell off is over.

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Posted by MartZee May 04, 2010
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My Money Blog

My Money BlogI typically browse the Internet searching for investments as well as money making ideas. I am trying to find how I can boost my savings and investing, learn new things, “games”, money plays, you name it, which can pocket a few more bucks back home (to my own pocket). This is how I came across Lending Club as a potential investment opportunity, I created a dividend income strategy in my IRA account to boost saving by compounding reinvested dividends and I still search for new ideas and great blogs.

One of the blogs I found recently and consider as great one is My Money Blog. It depicts the financial journey of a young guy with great experience (in my opinion) with a few great ideas how to save, invest and make more money. I haven’t read everything yet, but I definitely will be doing it.

If you are like me, searching for new ideas, strategies and experience of others Jonathan’s blog is one of those you would like to read.

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Posted by MartZee May 04, 2010
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A great rally is over

Today, it happened in the markets what I though would happen when I saw on CNBC yesterday how excited these guys were about the yesterday’s rally. First what crossed my mind was, yea, wait for tomorrow. The Wall Street is too sensitive about the news and stocks respond in zig-zag move. Not to say I am an expert, but I could see some slowing in trend since April 5th. It also makes me angry seeing all those people over there (in Wall Street) reacting this way. Exactly as Mr. Miller depicts in his book’s (The Single Best Investment) cartoon: “Everything that was good for the market yesterday is no good for it today.”

Most likely we are heading into correction. Markets lost too much to consider it “rally” and they have been slowing (“under pressure”) for a while.

Dow 10,927 -225 -2.02%
Nasdaq 2,424 -74 -2.98%
S&P 500 1,174 -29 -2.38%

Sector Watch
Strong: health care tech; hypercenters and supercenters
Weak: construction materials; building products; coal and consumable fuels; agricultural products; diversified metals; electronic communication and equipment; semiconductor equipment; health care facilities
Source: Morningstar.com

The market is now testing its support on 50 DMA (S&P 500), lets see if it bounces back or breaks through. Since I do not short stocks (at this time) I am postponing any new purchases for this period waiting aside for the next movement.

There is another thing I have to share. I must admit that trading stocks with such a small amount of money is nearly impossible. Originally I wanted to prove it is possible, but I must step back, and admit that capitalization is really important. For that case I am adjusting my trading strategy and I am limiting my trades to $1500 a trade or more. I will also start saving more money for the trading account taking the same approach I do with my ROTH IRA account. Since my IRA account has priority now (see my previous post) saving funds for my trading account will take some time. I also need to think about the strategy a bit, how to manage my existing resources.

My idea right now is to create a base of the portfolio made of NTF (No transaction fee) funds and trade with the margin money – that means I will invest funds into NTFs ($2000) and use c. $3000 margin money for trading (up to buying power). But first I need to look at it a bit closer before applying this approach.

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Posted by MartZee May 03, 2010
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Visa sold on stop loss

This morning Visa has been sold on stop loss:

05/03/2010    09:39:06    Sold  10  V  @  89.68

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Posted by MartZee May 03, 2010
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Picks 04/26 – 04/30

Trading Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week:

Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week:
Bought 30 TSL @ 26.9

Stocks dropped from portfolio this week:
DeVry, Inc. (DV)

Stocks watched this week:


Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Stop ATR Risk to
stop (%)
[tag]TSL[/tag] 30 25.87  -30.90 -3.83 22.00 1.3600 -18.22
[tag]V[/tag] 10 90.23  57.30 6.78 89.91 1.6700 6.40

Contribution this week: $0

Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -5.66%     Learn more

New positions available to open: 0     Learn more

Starting [tag]account value[/tag] = $2,264.51

Account value = $2,107.57  (without margin)

Buying power = $5,346.83

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = -6.93%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for APRIL 2010 = -2.79%

Portfolio Gain/loss for 2010 = -19.92%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -24.47%

Lending Club:

Debt notes
Available cash: $5.86
In Funding Notes: $0.00
Outstanding Principal: $296.08
Accrued Interest: $1.56
Account Total: $303.50  Net Annualized Return: 14.33% 
Contributions this week: $0.00
Weighted Average Rate: 11.71%
Expected Monthly Payments: $9.86
Payments to Date: $5.93
Principal Payments: $3.92
Interest Payments: $2.01
Late Fees Received: $0.00



ROTH IRA Account:

New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week:

Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]:

NTF Mutual Funds
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
AIGYX 83.472 14.04  171.95 17.20 7.89 32
ATIPX 106.395 9.15 33.34 3.55 7.28 27
HISIX 26.918 7.06  -9.96 -4.98 4.56 5
SICNX 54.495 7.28  -3.27 -0.82 4.97 11
SWDSX 49.045 12.36  52.03 9.39 4.00 17
SWLSX 29.814 10.32  38.76 14.41 1.63 8
Individual ETFs
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
AOD 219.0 8.91  -52.56 -2.62 15.67 84
IGD 29.0 12.70  11.60 3.25 11.52 16
Individual stocks
Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) Div.
Account target and current allocation
Individual stocks 0 42% 0%
NTF Mutual funds 3,646.10 38% 58%
ETFs 2,319.59 20% 37%

Contribution this week: $0

Starting [tag]account value[/tag] = $6,398.59

Account value = $6,293.15 

Dividends received in April 2010 = $37.72

Dividends received in 2010 = $106.72

Portfolio dividends yield 2010 = 1.70%

Portfolio dividends yield lifetime = 3.03%

Dividends received lifetime = $190.84

[tag]Portfolio Gain/loss[/tag] this week = -1.65%

[tag]Portfolio[/tag] Gain/Loss for APRIL 2010 = 2.07%

Portfolio Gain/loss for 2010 = 4.18%

[tag]Annual Return[/tag] (CAGR): -2.40%

[tag]Portfolio Return[/tag] since inception: -7.79%

Are you interested in Reverse Scale Strategy and see how it works when implemented to even a small account?

Stay updated with Hello Suckers Hello Suckers Feed

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