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Posts Tagged With 'bull trend'

Posted by Martin February 01, 2015

Futures indicate very weak opening tomorrow morning

If you are already frustrated by two weak months we just passed (December 2014 and January 2015) it looks like we are going to see February 2015 as bad as January was. Futures are already trading at a steep discount indicating S&P 500 down -1.45% -29.35. If this drop continues until tomorrow morning, we may Continue reading →

Is the US heading to another recession?

Is the US heading to another recession?

It looks like some analysts and investors are slowly turning bearish on the market. Is this the end of our spectacular and long bull trend? We haven’t experienced too many corrections or significant correction lately and it looks like the market had a spectacular and uninterrupted run up. Take a look at SPY 5 year Continue reading →

Last week trading – is the outlook for April still bright?

A week ago trading was about trend continuation. At least I saw it that way and I could see markets breaking thru marking this bull trend as intact. The entire last week markets were confirming my assumptions and all my accounts were growing. It was a filthy grow and I made quite nice cash. Well, Continue reading →