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Does the market resume its downtrend?

We are technically still in bearish territory. When you look at where SPY (for example) is trading (or you can also take a look at SPX), it is still trading below 200 day MA. It however knocked on that resistance several times (which may be a sign of a break thru sometime in the future).

So shall we chase this rally, or is this rally a fake?

It looks like a regular correction or consolidation to me. I still think this market will correct all the way down to 50 day MA (circa 1200 level) and then we will see. I am expecting a bounce at that level.

What can however destroy this beginning of a rally? A bad news from Europe. Although politicians were trying to kick the can further down the road this morning a German chancellor Angela Merkel said that she wasn’t willing to invest a cent into Euro debt crisis any more. That has sent the market lower.

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However, if you take a look at VIX.X you can see, that is collapsed from its high levels and lost about 20%. The market is not that much concerned about the European crisis as it was before. Is it a sign that all the crisis is already priced in? Possibly.

So what can send the market lower? It would be a collapse of the entire Eurozone. Is it likely? It is. In my opinion Europeans are not able to find consensus. The EU is a union of a different nations, languages and moral. And I understand it. A recent poll in Germany showed that Germans are no longer willing to support those nations who weren’t responsible in their fiscal policies. And once again, it is understandable. And you know this situation yourself in our country when our social welfare system is sometimes too generous to people who do not deserve it.

Pushing this “forced solidarity” towards the countries who irresponsibly spent the money they didn’t have can be a political suicide for Angela and possibly even for Sarkozy, although he faces a different problems than the German chancellor. He plays about saving his own country. In my opinion, Germans are better off surviving this crisis on their own than France.

And so far all deals about financial policy within Eurozone is something, which may work well inside the group of countries which are still well and relatively healthy, but what motivates Greek, Italy, and Spain to accept such policy at this time? I guess nothing.

As soon as investors realize this, they will no longer trust politicians and the market will tank. Unless they come up with something solid. Even break up of Eurozone may be a solid solution, which will shock the markets, but not for long unlike this long lasting death with unpredictable results.

This morning I messed up my stop loss and got out of my long Put position on SPY I had. So I decided to wait for the market to recover the morning’s decline to step in, playing the FOMC meeting.
Looks like this was a good move. I bought back when the market was back up at $1245 and now the market turned back down on results of FOMC (making nice profits on this turn around).

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin December 12, 2011
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Even the EU leaders admitted they were surprised of the rally

Yesterday I have read an article in The Guardian that even the EU leaders were surprised of the Friday rally:

“We were quite surprised that the markets reacted as well as they did on Friday,” EU officials said on Sunday. “We thought they would really tank and there’s still this legal uncertainty hanging over the deal.

Another thing is that the deal the EU officials came up with may actually be illegal. So are we seeing a correction to Friday’s irrational investors’ judgment? We will see today when markets close. At this point SPY (SPX) opened 1% lower and one hour later it was trading 1.5% lower. Will this downtrend continue?

On one hand this downtrend may be good for the market. From technical perspective, we needed correction from previous rally and now it may be happening. My expectation is that we will go down to 50 day MA and there we may bounce back up. If that happens, we will be adding a new higher low, which may potentially lead to a new higher high. And that may be a beginning of a new bullish trend.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin December 09, 2011
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Europa: once again an important “nothing” came out

Here we go again. How many times have we heard the same proclamations out of the European leaders summits? Investors are hoping for leaders to give them a solution and they take every word those politicians say very seriously and – overreact.

So what we have heard so far? Nothing actually. Every day we hear about a new great deal which will save the Euro zone and which actually doesn’t solve the problem, but the meaning is to calm down those bugging investors out there. There is no other solution, just to shut them up.

So what is the “new deal” today? In one word, the Union will now control national budgets and punish those who won’t follow the rules, currently approximate 0.5 GDP budget deficit. How they want to do it no one says. Greece had balanced budget and strong economy until the Union found out that all their numbers were fake. Italians were playing with number too and even France and Germany were twisting them a bit as well. How you want to keep and force the rules when those who made them do not follow them themselves?

Well this is a “great deal”, really! But how does this deal help countries such as Greece, Italy and soon Spain, Ireland and Portugal? It looks like that the only optimists here are Germany and ECB who fight the crisis until their last breath and it slowly gets to the point of their last breath, literally. Their ability to deal with this crisis is limited day by day and their options are shrinking every minute. They know it and they know that soon there will be no ammo to fight it. What will happen next?

Are you prepared for the life after Euro?

As I wrote this morning, it is a pure utopia that European countries would agree on centralized monetary system. The former communist countries who have a bitter experience with centralized economy and who are more prone to more liberal approach will hesitate to agree on something like this and traditional rivalry among European countries such as the trio Britan-France-Germany showed up as well, when British prime minister told the latter leaders “Go figure with this…”

And Ireland? They are claiming that the new agreement must be approved by people’s referendum. Amid the mess in European Union it more than obvious what will be the result of such referendum.

All this clearly indicates that Europe is divided as it has ever been or worse.

But the market (investors) hopes that this new deal once again saves all of us although all these proclamations are just postponing the inevitable.

So how we are doing trading this market?

It is very hard trading the news-driven market. Huge up-trends one day are replaced with huge downtrend the next day. Hard to predict what politicians come up with and whether the market will like it or not. All fundamental and technical analysis is worthless or doesn’t work that well as it typically does. As a small investor or trader it is very frustrating. On one hand your own logic cannot grasp the irrationality on the market which literally breaks all “laws of physics”. If you do not have guts for this the best way would be to stay aside. If you can sustain this mess a bit then watch the market and be buying fundamentally strong stocks which are beaten down by this mess. Don’t spend all your money available, but be buying in smaller portions and look at long term trend (if you find some). As an active trader be selective and relay on technical analysis to avoid emotions (easy to say, hard to do).

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin December 09, 2011
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Market rallies on utopia

Last night, the European leaders tentatively agreed on national budgets controlled by Brussels. I cannot imagine Greeks, British, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia or other European countries with historical animosity towards Germany and each other allowing anyone telling them what they should do with their national budgets. Also, the agreement counts on lowering the deficits of each country budget or make budgets with positive balance. If it was that easy, we wouldn’t hearing about European debt crisis at all. The whole deal in Europe, where countries were fighting one another since the year one is a pure utopia. Let’s see, when the investors realize it.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin December 08, 2011


SPX turning down

Interesting market these days. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Using common sense everybody could see that this rally is not sustainable, yet the market was rallying. Maybe it is due to a fact, that vast majority of mutual fund managers are under-invested, they missed this rally and they are terribly under-performing. Scared they may lose their job. So they were piling on on every news from Europe. Well as some columnist mentioned they were piling on European rumors rather then news, because the news are terrible.

The premarket data showed nice gains this morning, but soon after opening the market lost all gains based on the ECB chief Mario Draghi speech. Maybe this is the catalyst to more downturn trend.

The market was in overbought territory and due for rebound. I do not say, we will go dramatically down here. All I see is that we most likely pull back to 50 day SMA and that is most likely happening.

Although this market is bearish from longer term perspective, it still is probably bottoming and starting a new bullish trend.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin November 30, 2011


Be aware of next bubble to burst

There are many many news media out there excitedly creeping around “finally solved” or “European hopes” bushes (read: news). The news media such as Yahoo or CNN Money are among them. Almost worthless to read it!

However, you can find commentaries out there that are not that optimistic and that are providing with more realistic, and skeptical view on the debt crisis.

The news such as:

Fed bails out Europe while ECB dithers
IMF rescue of Italy will spark global uprising

and many others however are not that excited. The core of the problem hasn’t been solved. It is still there waiting to burst, when our so-called financial leaders and professionals run out of measures available to take to kick the can further down the road.

I am almost close to thinking that we are heading into another financial bubble which will burst one day as soon as bankers will be unable to do more and this crisis will hurts in its full strength.

Well, lets see, where these “hopes” take us.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin November 30, 2011


How are you positioned in this market?

Today the central banks claimed their will to allow unlimited access to dollars for whoever needs them. Don’t be too excited. It will not be you or me who can ask for the new printed money. It will be given to those who spent them recklessly and now need a bailout. How often have we seen it?

This market is acting on news only at this point and in so chaotic way that (for me) it is hard to determine the trend (besides that there is no trend). It goes up one day or two and falls down the next day.

When in doubt stay out.

Has the European crisis been solved by this move? No, it hasn’t. It is weird watching analysts and news commentators along with public on discussion boards saying the same thing that all these measures are wrong and not solving anything (just a smoke and mirror) to camouflage the real steps which need to be done and no one has done them yet, but the market reacts with full of excitement by gapping up (or down when the same news claim that they were wrong yesterday).

Looks like we need to get used to gaps in today’s trading.

Apparently I misjudged the market once again and sold my calls early, so I missed this fake rally. However, we are now higher and in my opinion this move is not sustainable. Now I will be waiting for a signal which direction the market wants to go and based on that position myself.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin November 29, 2011
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Where is the market going? A bounce or a new trend?

Today morning I opened SPY calls position thinking the market is going for something big, maybe a reversal and better performance.

When you check MACD, you can see a divergence of the current trend and the indicator. That may be a sign that this downtrend is weakening. And that was my initial reason for going bullish.

However, when looking at what is the market doing, the price performance is mediocre. There is no steam, no power behind the move as we could see yesterday. My only concern when I was opening this position in the morning was that we are close to 50 day SMA and that may be the resistance this market won’t be able to overcome.

Apparently we are stalling at this level. The true resistance would be at 121 level, which we have touch slightly today, and since then we are heading down. Now this market looks like a bounce only which won’t change the course of the overall trend.

That’s why I decided to close my calls and wait before re-entering SPY positions. On Friday, we will have an unemployment report, which may move the market either way. Based on that I will review whether to open puts, calls or stay away.

Apparently this market is now very confusing to me and at this point I do not know how to trade it effectively. So I am staying out for some time.

Happy trading!

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Posted by Martin November 23, 2011
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ACE failed as a buy candidate

As I expected ACE failed as a bullish trade candidate. It didn’t hold and fell below 50 day MA along with other potential trades I mentioned in my last post. Partially it is due to a sharp sell off in the market. Thus I considered those trades as potential candidates and not a buy candidate. I needed to see that those stocks would hold those levels, bounce off of them and move up. Then I would be buying.

However, it didn’t happen and basically all of those candidates are out of my watchlist.

Here are the new candidates as bullish setup. I will be watching them carefully waiting for a confirmation and potential buy signal:


Note, these stocks are selected based on a technical, not fundamental analysis.

Happy Trading!

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Posted by Martin November 23, 2011
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Germany is seeing debt crisis problems

Eurozone On Wednesday Germany offered a new set of 10-year bonds on Wednesday’s auction for about 6 billion Eur. Due to lack of interest from investors, almost 3/4 of of the offer wasn’t sold.

One reason could be the upcoming holiday here in the US so the volume was low overall. However as Reuters mentioned this failure to sell German bonds, which are considered as the most secure in the entire Europe is a signal that something is wrong.

Is Germany though seeing the debt crisis spreading into its economy?

This failure is indicates that investors are becoming tired of the long lasting debt crisis. It is a German economy here and not one of the weak countries at the far end of the Euro zone. Shall we be worried though?

This puts an increased pressure on ECB to handle this crisis faster, but has ECB any options here?

This can push the stock market even lower than what I was originally expecting. Let’s see if the US holiday calms investors a bit or we will face another sell-off on half-day trading on Friday.

Happy Trading!

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