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Posts Tagged With 'Europe'

Posted by Martin December 09, 2011

Market rallies on utopia

Last night, the European leaders tentatively agreed on national budgets controlled by Brussels. I cannot imagine Greeks, British, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia or other European countries with historical animosity towards Germany and each other allowing anyone telling them what they should do with their national budgets. Also, the agreement counts on lowering the deficits of Continue reading →

Posted by Martin October 04, 2011

Fed is going to help faltering economy, said Ben Bernanke

(Reuters) – The Federal Reserve is prepared to take further steps to help an economic recovery that is “close to faltering”, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday. Great! And investors got crazy about this proclamation and started buying. Good move if you want to lose money. Are these idiots out there blind? O.k. I Continue reading →