Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: Rackspace Hosting, Inc (RAX) Stryker Corp. (SYK) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: 0.0% New positions available to open: 0 Starting [tag]account value[/tag] = $1,996.76 Account value = Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'RINO International Corp'
Picks 01/18 – 01/22
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: none Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: Centurytel, Inc. (CTL) Visa, Inc. (V) Telestone Technologies Corp. (TSTC) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]RAX[/tag] 37 20.37 -74.00 -8.94 SYK 15 54.04 -29.10 -3.47 Contribution this week: $100 Continue reading →
Picks 01/11 – 01/15
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Stocks bought or added to portfolio this week: Stryker Corp. (SYK) Stocks dropped from portfolio this week: Medifast Inc. (MED) RINO International Corporation (RINO) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 35.07 -9.18 -2.83 [tag]RAX[/tag] 37 22.12 -9.25 -1.12 SYK 15 56.03 0.75 0.09 Continue reading →
Picks 01/01 – 01/08
Trading Account: New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: none Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 30.91 -11.25 -3.46 [tag]MED[/tag] 16 30.91 -5.59 -1.12 [tag]RAX[/tag] 37 21.85 -19.24 -2.32 [tag]RINO[/tag] 7 31.24 27.29 14.26 [tag]TSTC[/tag] 19 23.25 52.07 13.36 [tag]V[/tag] 20 87.00 239.72 15.98 Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -6.33% Continue reading →
RINO getting back into the news
RINO lifted and added more than 6% gain on rising volume. Tomorrow, it would be a great opportunity to buy an initial position or add to your existing positions, if this trend continues in the morning. Today’s news: “Rodman & Renshaw got even more bullish on RINO today, boosting the stock’s price target to $40 Continue reading →
RINO in weak downtrend
RINO is still in a weak downtrend, signaling deeper downturn move on Monday opening. The only positive sign is very weak volume so far. Maybe short sellers are opening their positions and there is not too many of them. Will RINO survive this and continue on its uptrend? Who knows. It is attacking its support Continue reading →
Picks 12/07 – 12/11
New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]ASIA[/tag] 25 31.06 82.75 11.93 [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 36.82 6.57 2.02 [tag]MED[/tag] 14 31.33 106.40 32.03 [tag]RINO[/tag] 7 27.71 2.58 1.35 [tag]V[/tag] 20 81.34 126.52 8.43 Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -2.34% New positions available to open: 1 Starting [tag]account Continue reading →
Picks 11/30 – 12/04
New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: AsiaInfo Holdings Inc. (ASIA) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]ASIA[/tag] 25 25.10 -66.25 -9.66 [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 36.34 2.25 0.69 [tag]MED[/tag] 14 31.64 110.74 33.33 [tag]RINO[/tag] 7 32.35 2.02 1.06 [tag]V[/tag] 20 80.33 105.12 7.01 Contribution this week: $100 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -5.74% New positions available to Continue reading →
RINO added to portfolio, JADE sold
I decided to get rid of JADE, which doesn’t fit to my trading strategy. As I mentioned earlier, this purchase was a deviation from my rules. This is the reason why every investor or trader needs to remind his rules as long as he remembers them. 11/30/2009 15:36:47 Sold 34 JADE @ 3.0805 I also added 3 shares of RINO to Continue reading →
Picks 11/23 – 11/27
New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: CenturyTel, Inc. (CTL) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 36.31 1.98 0.61 [tag]JADE[/tag] 34 3.22 -8.84 -7.47 [tag]MED[/tag] 8 26.72 47.44 28.52 [tag]RINO[/tag] 4 32.35 38.48 42.33 [tag]V[/tag] 11 80.33 130.80 17.37 Contribution this week: $100 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: 0.02% New positions available to open: Continue reading →
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