The market is improving again and I am adding Visa (V) back to my portfolio. Tomorrow I am going to buy 10 shares of this stock. The total estimated trade should be $851 as per my adjusted rules. I will report this trade tomorrow morning after the shares will have been bought. I am limiting Continue reading →
Posts Tagged With 'stocks price'
Picks 12/07 – 12/11
New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]ASIA[/tag] 25 31.06 82.75 11.93 [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 36.82 6.57 2.02 [tag]MED[/tag] 14 31.33 106.40 32.03 [tag]RINO[/tag] 7 27.71 2.58 1.35 [tag]V[/tag] 20 81.34 126.52 8.43 Contribution this week: $0 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -2.34% New positions available to open: 1 Starting [tag]account Continue reading →
Picks 11/30 – 12/04
New [tag]stock picks[/tag] this week: AsiaInfo Holdings Inc. (ASIA) Existing & new [tag]holdings[/tag]: Symbol Qty Last Gain($) Gain(%) [tag]ASIA[/tag] 25 25.10 -66.25 -9.66 [tag]CTL[/tag] 9 36.34 2.25 0.69 [tag]MED[/tag] 14 31.64 110.74 33.33 [tag]RINO[/tag] 7 32.35 2.02 1.06 [tag]V[/tag] 20 80.33 105.12 7.01 Contribution this week: $100 Current [tag]capital exposure[/tag]: -5.74% New positions available to Continue reading →
DFS sold
I didn’t like how DFS performed and decided to get rid of this stock. I sold it today: 10/16/2009 14:31:26 Sold 6 DFS @ 15.0906
ORS added to portfolio
Today I added an ORS play to my portfolio. Is this stock going to be another FUQI, RINO or STEC? Today the stock shot up on heavy volume (almost three times the average). I decided to take the risk and add some shares. 10/14/2009 15:18:28 Bought 67 ORS @ 1.0894
Picks 10/05 – 10/09
New stock picks this week: Discover Financial Services (DFS) RINO International Corp (RINO) Visa (V) Existing & new holdings:
RINO added to portfolio
Today I have bought RINO shares to my portfolio. However this trade extended my risk exposure over the limit. I will have to add more cash to the portfolio or sell some other stocks. FUQI and STEC do not act as I wish to see and they may be sold out soon. Let’s see what Continue reading →
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