Archive for February, 2014

Trade adjustment – AT&T (T) put selling roll over

Trade adjustment - AT&T (T) put selling roll over

Today I decided to roll over my existing put selling trade against AT&T (T). I had a trade which was expiring next month: -1 April 18, 2014 34 strike put As the stock continued drifting lower and it hit $32 a share this morning, and continued lower, I decided to roll this trade to a Continue reading →

Posted by Guest February 25, 2014

Will The Passing of a Net Neutrality Law Affect Stocks?

This is a guest post by Dave Landry. Dave Landry Jr. is a business owner, financial consultant and amateur investor who enjoys writing and infographic design in his spare time. He also enjoys linking with like-minded folk, so feel free to give him a ping on social media! In short, it already has. Netflix was Continue reading →

New Trade – Coca-Cola (KO) – put selling

New Trade - Coca-Cola (KO) - put selling

As I wrote in my last post, we had an expiration Frioday last week. I had two put selling trades in play which expired that day. It was a put contract against the following stocks, which would bring me a monthly income: Demand media (DMD) total gain from this trade: $41.21 Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP) Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 23, 2014

New hosting

New hosting

Last Friday and this weekend has been quite busy for me. After many failures of my previous hosting, for example last Friday my websites were all down the whole day and partially in Saturday, I decided to change my host from Hostmonster to Webhostinghub. I have been with Hostmonster for 7 years and they were Continue reading →

Options expiration tomorrow is a payday

Options expiration tomorrow is a payday

Although you receive your premium right at the moment when you sell your put option, you can actually claim that money at expiration of that contract. You have the cash, but it is blocked by the current market value of that contract. That’s why you want your option contract expire as quickly as possible. When Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 18, 2014

Janet Yellen wants more inflation, although she already has it

  Janet Yellen told us at her first testimony in front of the lawmakers that she would likely continue in tapering as long as at least two criteria will be met. The first one was employment rate dropping below 6.5% and the second was inflation rate. As per a few of her mentions the FED Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 17, 2014

Democrats: Let’s Ban Profits!

  At first, I wanted to post this video in my sidebar videos, but then I decided to post it here as a new post. It’s because this video deserves a short comment. Or actually not, no comments at all. Watch for yourself what idiots are overtaking this country and turning it into a land Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 14, 2014

Peter Schiff: “I think we’re in a depression”; Roberts, Admati and Whalen talk banking

  Comcast is gobbling up its main competitor Time Warner Cable. The $45-billion-dollar deal gives Comcast the potential to completely reinvent the media landscape. By wiping out its major rival, Comcast would have 33 million cable subscribers, and just as many broadband users, giving it huge leeway in setting market prices, negotiating licensing fees, and Continue reading →

Last week markets performance – should we be worried?

  Last week in Wall Street was somewhat stable and without any excessive hiccups. Yet it still was driven by fools. The recovery from the recent correction, if we can call it a correction, has been steady. As you can see in the chart above, we experienced a strong V shaped recovery. A week ago, Continue reading →

Posted by Martin February 13, 2014

Yellen’s plan for boosting the weak jobs market is no plan again

  Our impotent government along with FED has been feeding us with fake job data since 2008. Everybody knows it, but nobody does anything about it. Where are all those “shovel ready jobs” Obama was feeding the nation during 2012 election? Did he mean shovel ready hamburger flipping at McDonalds? Our nation is suffering from Continue reading →