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Should you pay your mortgage off quickly?

BoyYou probably found an army of people telling you that you should use all of you spare money every month and pay more than the minimum to pay your mortgage off as quickly as possible.

You probably found another army of people telling you it a bad idea. Mortgage is a good debt, right?

So should you pay your mortgage as fast as possible paying additional cash towards your principle?

Of course NOT!!!!

Don’t act like a sucker!

What makes you think it is a good idea to pay your mortgage fast? Why would you do it?

Unless your interest rate on your mortgage is 8%, 10%, or 12% APR it is a very, very, very bad idea!

Your mortgage is the lowest loan possible. Let’s take a look at my mortgage. My mortgage sucks. It was expensive, I am under water, but I recently refinanced and my APR is at 3.5%. Can you see it? Let me repeat:



My mortgage sucks and yet paying it off is a sucker’s game which I will never play

Boy and moneyI have 30 year fixed FHA loan at 3.5%. It was a good deal. I paid very little down, I had a great equity, just before the crisis wiped it out and now I am stuck with monthly payments to a property which doesn’t have that value. But that’s a different story. The point is, I pay almost $1,700 a month on mortgage payments (PMI and taxes included) and I want if someone can explain to me, why I should take an extra $100, $200, or $500 a month to pay my mortgage off faster when I can do a lot better investing my cash.

My investments can make more money, why give up almost 9% APR?

Just take a look at my latest interest or return my current investments are making. For example my investments in Lending Club are making:


OK, I admit that the NAV provided by Lending Club is not an accurate measure to tell how much I am actually making. So let’s reword it.

My latest interest or return my current investments are making:



The number above came from my spreadsheet and calculated XIRR (or internal rate of return) on my current investment with Lending Club. It is more exact number, but still larger than what I pay to my mortgage company!

My dividend growth stocks bring more than 5% in dividends and wait for YOC 15 years from now!

And my stock investments? They bring in 5.4% in dividends. And since I invest into dividend growth stocks, many of them will increase that yield on cost several fold. Ten to twenty years later that yield can easily be 10% – 20% YOC. I don’t have the 10 YOC calculated, unlike some other fellow bloggers and investors who regularly calculate their YOC, so those numbers are just estimate.

Why, if I can make more by investing, should I or you pay my or your low-interest mortgage off with spare cash?

Why is it a bad idea to give spare cash to your bank

If I take $500 monthly and pay it to the bank against my principal, what do I save? 3% of my current rate?
lost money

  • Once paid you will never see that money back again.
  • In financial hardship can you ask the bank to postpone your next bill since you just prepaid? Yeah, try it. I can already hear their laughing.
  • If you lose job, how do you plan continuing your monthly payments? Who would get foreclosed first? You with a lot of equity and low debt or me who has the property mortgaged to the tilt? I bet they will try to negotiate with me while you lose your house.
  • You lose money. At least 9% will be forever lost. And do you remember the story about compounding, right?


Why is it a better idea NOT to give spare cash to your bank

Ok, and what if I take my $500 monthly and instead of paying it towards the mortgage I invest it with Lending Club? Do you want to know how long it would take me to save enough to pay the entire mortgage with that savings?
 thumbs up

16 years!!!


In 16 years I’ll save and compound enough to have $287,810.99 which is my current mortgage loan. Try it for yourself with this calculator.

If I pay $500 every month towards the principal, I will be able to pay the entire mortgage off in 18 years! Booo!

Paying more money to the bank will not speed up my mortgage payoff? What the heck!

What the heckI told you it is a sucker’s game. Saving and investing money will allow you to pay the mortgage 2 years faster than paying it to the bank. Plus you get the following benefits:

  • If something goes wrong, you have huge financial reserves available
  • If you lose job, you will have enough money to continue monthly payments without being foreclosed
  • Once you pay enough on mortgage you can pull the equity out of your house and invest it. That will allow you to pay your mortgage off even faster.
  • 16 years later you can decide whether to pay the entire mortgage off or continue paying regular payments and saving spare money. A great freedom.
  • As said above, you are the one who controls the mortgage, not the bank.

And don’t argue that investment can lose value. In 15 year period dividend growth stocks won’t lose it. I can guarantee it to you. However, if you are a bad and inexperienced investor, use mutual funds. If you are a sucker, then pay it to the bank since this method isn’t for you.

So should you pay your mortgage off with extra money? If your interest rate is 3.5%, 4%, 4.5% or even 5% forget about it. Or do you have another reason why to do that?


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Posted by Martin August 21, 2013
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How to Build your Ideal Retirement Account

RetirementIf you follow my blog for some time you may know about a few options of how to build a retirement account if you just started and have little money to invest. I tried all of those options I wrote about and all worked well. Some methods were closer to my risk tolerance or patience tolerance or both, some of them I didn’t like. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t work for you. It’s up to an investor to decide and try on his own which way would be the best.

One option I mentioned in the past was building a retirement account using Non-transaction-fee (NTF) mutual funds. The principle is that you open a retirement account with your broker or a financial institution and start contributing a small amount of cash every month. Then you buy your NTF mutual funds for free and these funds then work as your savings account within your retirement account.

The second option I wrote about was similar to the above mentioned mutual funds, but this time you use non-transaction-fee ETFs. The principle is same as before. Buying and selling those funds cost you nothing and your money are not idle in your account. They make you money.

If you are, however, a very conservative investor and don’t like a chance that your investments can lose a value right at the time when you are ready to sell and reallocate into a different investing vehicle – such as dividend paying stocks, you may like a third option how to build a retirement account with small money.

It is a very simple method and I actually used it (and still use it) myself.

Open a savings account

It is that simple. You open a savings account with your bank (some investing banks or financial institutions which are also providing retirement accounts can offer you a retirement account and a savings account within the same product as a package) and start saving your small monthly contributions in your new, fresh savings account. All you have to do before you open an account is to go for a hunt and research the best savings rates you can get on the market. Once you find out the best rate you can get open an account and start contributing your monthly contributions. It can be as little as 20 a month or 50 a month or whatever you can afford.

Automate saving on regular basis

I bet you have heard this advice many times. It is still a valid advice and it is an alpha and omega of succesful saving and investing. If you want to make money in the stock market, you have to save first.

The best way to save money is to set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to your new savings account. I do this not only when saving for my investments, but also when saving for my recurring bills as I wrote in my earlier post about saving money. The transfer happens automatically every month without your influence and forgetting memory (at least mine is). You won’t be double guessing or making excuses for “why you just need the available cash so you cannot transfer it”.

Open your retirement account

BankNow when you have your savings account up and running, go for a hunt for the best retirement account. The US, Canada, and UK offer many options for retirement accounts. If you live in UK you can go, search and discover savings ISA options best for you and open an account with the institution which provides it. ISA accounts are tax-free providing the best growth opportunity for your retirement account compared to taxable accounts.

Once you find the best account, open it and here comes the second part of retirement account building phase.

Transfer funds from savings account and invest

Once you save a reasonable amount of money (I usually save 1000 dollars as a minimum investment) transfer it from your savings account to your retirement account. Then you can invest it into your favorite stock, such as a monthly dividend paying stock. In many cases you will be able to set up automatic transfer too or at least start a transfer once you reach the desired amount without transferring checks.

It is a simple way to build a wealth and almost 100% automated. As an engineer I like when things go according to a plan and exactly “per manufacturer’s installation instructions”.


The best this method can offer is security. During your savings phase you won’t lose a value of your savings as in this phase you do not take part on the volatility of the market. It may be a good option if you are a risk averse investor. Bear in mind that the savings period may take some time. It will not happen overnight. It may take a year before you save enough to invest in stocks. During that period you have your money secured and making you a small profit.

You can also go further and once you invest your first “lot” of money you can transfer remaining funds back to the savings account if the retirement account conditions and rules allow it. You will never be able to invest the exact amount and the left overs can be moved back instead of leaving them idle in the retirement account.


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New trade – Realty Income (O) addition – a new dividend built-up layer

New trade - Realty Income (O) addition - a new dividend built-up layer

I was tracking Realty Income on its way down for some time (and hopefully we are on the bottom, if not it doesn’t matter to me much) wondering why investors are dumping this great dividend paying stock. It has paid the dividend for 19 years, and increased the dividends for 15 consecutive years. The company is very shareholder friendly and it is dedicated to dividends. In its motto it even says that that they practically exist for one reason – dividends. They call themselves as a dividend company.

We are The Monthly Dividend Company®
We have a 44-year track record of providing dependable monthly income, generated by a portfolio of over 3,600 properties under long-term leases.
Tom Lewis Chief Executive Officer,

See more at Realty Income website

With that said, it is obvious that the management will do whatever it takes to make money to pay dividends so even the last old lady in the farthest corner of the country can depend on Realty Income’s income to pay for her bills in retirement.

And yet investors were selling.

Maybe they mistaken Realty Income for MBS agency mReits and thought that they might be in trouble due to rising interest rates. But Realty Income has nothing to do with MBS. How can interest rates affect their pipelines? Maybe the only reason I could come up with was that they would be purchasing new properties more expensive than today. But it is not happening (any dramatically) yet. An interest rate of 4.5% APR is still historically low. Do you remember when the rates for 30 year fixed mortgage was at 8% or even 12% APR? And yet Realty Income was able to survive and generate income in such environment.

And yet these days investors were selling.

That said, I am actually happy for the recent selloff. I was hesitant buying Realty Income when it traded at $55 a share. I know this ultimate dividend payer, which pays monthly and is yielding 5.21% will always be chased by investors seeking monthly income and thus there will always be a premium in its pricing, but $55 a share was too much even for me. So I was waiting.

And waiting paid off well. A few days ago I entered a contingency order and tracked the stock price on its way down. Today’s reversal triggered the buy order and I bought another 25 shares of this great stock at a lot better price (actually better than my overall average price which before the trade was at $43.13 a share. If I include dividends and options my overall cost basis is at $41.36 a share. I could buy even better than that by waiting for the best price).

The stock may go up from this point making nice profit. But it may also go down as those freaks in Wall Street start panicking once again. If that happens, it’s OK with me, I am still saving cash to buy more shares and if the stock continues going lower, I will buy more.

So if you are one of those who things that in the next 20 years this stock fails and the company will go belly up, please sell me your shares at the lowest price ever. I will gladly buy it.

I will buy it as I did today:

08/20/2013 09:47:32 Bought 25 O @ 40.1

Stock detail

Total shares held as of today: 142
Estimated annual dividend: $309.56
Consecutive Dividend Increase: 16 years
Dividend yield today: 5.21%
Dividend 5yr Growth: 4.44%
Dividend paid since: 1994

This trade is adding nice $54.50 annual dividend income to my portfolio. My overall income increased to $951.62 annual dividend in TD Ameritrade account.

Happy Trading!


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New trade – Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP) new put selling

New trade - Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP) new put selling

My previous put selling trade on Ferrellgas Partners LP (see the trade here) expired worthless for full profit last Friday. I still like the stock and decided to continue selling puts against it.

As I wrote in my previous article about selling puts, you should do it only against stocks, you like to own. When I opened the previous contract I was sure for about 98% that I wanted the stock. Today I am 100% sure about this paper.

Nevertheless I opened quite a long contract today and collected $110 premium.

If this contract expires worthless I will make 5.5% or 11.02% annualized profit. If the stock drops below my strike price I will get assigned and yet keep the premium. My cost basis will be $18.9 a share. If the stock drops below my cost basis (break even price) too deep I will roll the put lower and further in time.

08/19/2013 09:41:27 Sold 1 FGP Feb 22 2014 20.0 Put @ 1.1


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My inspiration in the last week #33

My inspiration in the last week #33

I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is.


  • Five Golden Rules for Dividend Investors – The Dividend Theory – by thedividendtheory
  • When should you sell a dividend stock? – Get Financially Integrated! – by Integrator

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    An Anatomy of Dividend Investing

    An Anatomy of Dividend Investing

    Most of the investors look for highly secure way to invest their hard-earned money which will not only let them to save for their retirement but also supplement their income. No matter how much return you want to earn out of your investment portfolio, it is essential that you should understand the risk and return associated with your investments. Most of the people have very basic understanding of the way stock market work and they believe that all types of investing are same but it isn’t true. Divided investing is one of the exceptional investing strategies where investors mainly focus on companies which pay regular dividend and possess history of raising dividends on constant basis. Go through following guide to know about extraordinary challenges associated with dividend investing and what are the tactics to manage them –

    Consider Payout Ratio

    When you are considering dividend investing, it is extremely essential to do some comprehensive research on the history of company in which you are planning to invest your money. One of the vital things which you must consider is the payout ratio demonstrated by company to investors. Always remember that, though higher payout ratio sounds like you will be earning significant money, they can actually set your money at higher risk. The standard thumb rule tells that not to mess with the companies which have payout ratio of more than 65%.

    Capability of Company

    One more thing worth looking is since how long a company has been offering dividend payment to investors. Is it a new company which has been demonstrating profit since last 2 years or is it a well established company with lot of satisfied shareholders? If you are investing in a company which is fairly young and wants to pay dividends to investors then it makes sense to ask important question whether it will able to sustain the dividend payout.

    Dividend Growth is a Heart of a matter

    As with human heart rate, inconsistency can be a big sign of problem, the same holds true when investing in selected dividend stocks. The consistency in growth of dividend is a key point to consider. Though significant amount of percentage increase in recent years is great, it is very important that the dividend percentage has been increasing by some consistent amount every year. As a thumb rule, you can opt for companies which have 5 to 7 year average of increasing their dividend by 6 to 10 percentage. You can think it in the way that each year company gives you consistent amount of pay raise. In current market scenario, you will find yourself lucky to avail raise of 5-6% from a well performing company.

    Don’t fall in love with your stocks

    If things don’t work out in your personal relationship then breaking up is hard thing to do but it normally turns out as a perfect decision in long term. The same scenario holds true in owning a stock of particular company.  It is fine to like your stocks, but don’t ever fall in love with any of those. Money combined with emotions can’t break your heart but it will definitely break your wallet. So make yourself aware of the signs when market scenario keeps changing. Most of the times, market provides you an opportunity to book your profits earlier than you have anticipated. It is not advisable to do short term trading, but if your stock has appreciated substantially in very short period then it definitely makes sense to book your profits in prior time.

    Selecting high dividend paying companies

    The best dividend investing is rarely about the biggest payout and highest yields but it is about highly safe and consistent payout. The best strategy of dividend investing is not to get tempted by high yield. Dividend is nothing but a portion of a firm’s earning offered to you in cash form and it is mainly based on sustainability and reality, and not on falling fundamentals. Your approach to stock selection should be as serious as you are purchasing an actual business. So don’t invest in companies which are fundamentally doubtful and don’t possess capability to provide high dividend yields.

    Have a decent level of patience

    The important element of using dividend to build significant cash flow and accumulate powerful wealth is to have enough patience. Give your investments sufficient time to grow as most of the lucrative investments tend to be long term investment. You should definitely monitor your investments from time to time but if you have done your all homework properly, the best strategy will be to sit back and wait.

    Consider market volatility

    If your objective is to build a significant stream of income then give higher importance to dividend payment history of company instead of its share price history. When you give emphasis on dividend payment instead of share price of company then you are more likely to earn consistent returns even during market downturn.

    Identify the trend of dividend payment

    Make proper analysis of how often your stock pays dividends. Semi-annual and Quarterly dividends are very common. The frequency and trend of dividend payment becomes critical issue when you require regular income. Sometimes, you may have to arrange your budget considering the period of your stock dividend payments.


    Dividend investing is one of the greatest ways to earn passive income from companies which distribute their retain earnings among shareholders. Dividends not only provide you constant source of income but they provide long term stability to your investments. If an individual select fundamentally strong companies then dividend investing along with dividend reinvestment is a key formula for long term financial success. Above discussed anatomical applications to dividend investing will definitely help you to make proper diagnosis when designing your portfolio. Weighing the advantages of dividend investing against the drawbacks, it is fantastic strategy to generate some passive income by investing your money in high quality companies.  But the real key lies in having proper strategies, discipline and planning to capitalize on it.


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    My Private Investment Fund Dream


    Can you help with my dream fundraising? If so, please donate.


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    Trade exit – Realty Income (O), Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP), MBIA Inc (MBI)

    Trade exit - Realty Income (O), Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP), MBIA Inc (MBI)

    Today is expiration Friday and a few of my options trades are closing with full profit:

    Realty Income (O) covered call – cash received $32.21 0.77% gain 15.88% annualized

    See the original trade here.

    Ferrellgas Partners LP (FGP) put selling – cash received $185.00 10.57% gain 22.06% annualized

    See the original trade here.

    MBIA Inc (FGP) put selling – cash received $118.00 13.11% gain 27.68% annualized

    See the original trade here.

    And what will follow next? Well, most likely I will open another trade in Realty Income (O) covered call and FGP put selling. I am no longer interested in MBI.

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    Help me creating a private investment fund

    My dream was to start and manage a private investment fund and potentially, one day, go public and offer investing services to general public. I have been investing for several years and became quite successful in it. So far my investments make in average 13% ROI annually.

    I would like to raise money to boost my investment account and create my own mutual fund. I believe that if I can get more cash I will be able to make more money using a power of compounding my gains. Of course, investing may be risky, but I am quite confident in what I am doing and I know I will make money.

    I will use raised money invested in Lending Club for 5 years. You can see my results in Lending Club here and see for yourself that I can invest successfully.

    And here is a deal

    If you help me to start my dream goal and donate even 1 dollar, I will use the raised money for 6 years (5 years investing, 1 year for liquidating the investments).

    After this period (6 years) I will keep all proceedings or gains reinvested and donate the principal ($5,000) to other projects and charity via GoFundMe.com or any other charitable project you choose (use the commenting below to recommend a charitable event).

    I will continue posting regularly how this fund performs.

    So do you think is this a crazy enough idea that you decide to help me and raise the cash? Even Warren Buffett started his investment empire using his own money and money of his friends and colleagues. I would like to do something similar. But after the investment period of time I will return the fundraiser by donating it back to others in need and continue reinvesting my gains.

    You may ask a question, what happens if I lose money

    Well, it may happen. With investing everything is possible even loses. If I lose money at the end of the 5th year investing period, I will withdraw what’s left and make up the loss from my own cash up to $5,000 and donate the whole $5,000 to charity. Is that fair deal?

    I can put down this guarantee, because I am quite confident that I can invest in Lending Club and make money. So, will you help me with this idea?

    Then please, go and donate anything you can. You will help me to start my dream fund and also help to charity. Click on the button below and donate. Thank you very much for your participation.

    Thank you!

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    Great dividend stocks offering a good entry point

    Great dividend stocks offering a good entry point

    As stocks are on the verge of fall there are now stocks which are providing yet another great entry point in my opinion. Since I started investing into dividend growth stocks last year I love to see stocks of my interest falling down. They still pay the same dividend payout or even increased their dividend rate, but some investors dump those stocks because they think that those stocks are doomed just because they missed one quarter or their outlook for next period is weak.

    When looking at human life what is 80 or so years compared to eternity? Nothing. A spit into an ocean. I have the same look at Wall Street’s obsession about evaluating stocks based on one quarter. What is one quarter compared to 30 years of your investing time frame? Nothing.

    Of course, you shouldn’t ignore those stocks. Our investing strategy isn’t buy and forget. But in our case we will see the troubles coming well before the Wall Street gurus tell us based on their thinking of a missed quarter. We will see a stagnant dividend or even a dividend cut and many times before it really happens. If the company is still doing great, increases the dividend and other metrics point to a fat cash flow, so the dividend remains sustainable, there is no need to panic. There actually is a need for opening our wallets and buying.

    I believe, there are now stocks in this category offering nice entry point for your 30 year long dividend accumulation journey. Here they are:

    Kinder Morgan Partnership (KMP)

    I love KMP. It pays nice dividend. It’s current yield is at 6.40% and the company paid the dividend and increased it in 16 consecutive years. Do you think this long dividend increase history will suddenly stop today? I doubt.

    It is one of the largest master limited partnerships with a very large economic moat. It’s recent acquisitions and portfolio cultivation poised this stock to a steady growth and there is no sign of troubles in the horizon (correct me if I am wrong).

    Let’s take a look at the chart:


    The chart shows 6 months time frame. The white lower line indicates a 5 year long support trend. the stock broke below this support time several times in 2009, 2011, 2012 and twice this year (both shown on the chart). It always recovered and continued higher. The entire stock history since 1992 is even better and I wish I could buy this stock back then.

    Anytime KMP falls below a certain level when the yield gets close to 6.5% or above it more buyers chasing nice YOC step in and start buying. With current yield we are close to this point.

    Stock details

    Consecutive Dividend Increase: 16 years
    Dividend yield today: 6.40%
    Dividend 5yr Growth: 6.68%
    Dividend paid since: 1992

    Morningstar provides a fair value of this stock at $98 a share, so if that is something we can rely on, the stock is trading at a discount. An estimated growth rate is at 31.20%

    Continue reading…

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