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Posted by Martin March 15, 2013
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Expiration Friday – (KOG) and (TASR)

Expiration Friday - (KOG) and (TASR)

Today is expiration Friday and I have two covered calls expiring tomorrow leaving me with maximum profit. The call options expire and on Monday I can sell another set of covered calls as long as the stock will be called away.

The stocks with expiring call options are Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp and TASER International Inc. You can check the opening trades here:

Kodiak Oil & Gas Corp
TASER International Inc

Note, that the profit includes option premium collected when initiating the trade and doesn’t include any profit which would be realized if the stock got called away. Since it is my plan to get called away, the profit collected will be added to the Monday’s trade.

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Posted by Martin March 14, 2013
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Web feature – stock quotes ticker

Web feature - stock quotes ticker

recently I received a few emails telling me that when the visitor comes to my website they receive a warning message about an application asking for permission to run and some consider it as malware.

The reason you are receiving this warning message is due to Java application I added to my website. Read More

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Posted by Martin March 13, 2013


New Trade – Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI) put selling

New Trade - Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI) put selling

When I sold ARR today morning I quickly scanned my watch list for replacement. I must admit that this time I was looking for high yielding stocks, closer to 10% yield with a decent dividend growth and dividend paying history.

I think Pitney Bowes Inc. perfectly fits my needs. It is a long-term dividend payer. Read More

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Posted by Martin March 13, 2013


Trade exit – Armour Residential (ARR)

Trade exit - Armour Residential (ARR)

Armour Residential (ARR) cut its monthly dividend to $0.07/share from $0.08. It’s the 2nd cut in as many quarters and the price dropped. For me it is the end of holding this stock. This morning I sold my shares in ARR and I am no longer interested in this paper.

Now I will be looking for a replacement of this stock. Most likely I will invest in Realty Income or similar REITs stock. However, I may also buy a completely different paper. Read More

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Posted by Martin March 12, 2013
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New Trade – Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMP)

New Trade - Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMP)

Today my order from yesterday was executed and I purchased 11 shares of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners. The KMP is part of a Kinder Morgan trilogy. It pays nice dividend and has a great dividend history.

The company is one of the biggest and oldest pipeline transportation and energy storage company in North America. KMP. The Company operates in five business segments: Products Pipelines, Natural Gas Pipelines, carbon dioxide (CO2), Read More

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Posted by Martin March 11, 2013


Stocks which sparked my attention for addition #2

Stocks which sparked my attention for addition #2

The list of stocks which sparked my attention for addition narrowed from a week ago down to two stocks. All other stocks reversed and continued marching higher or just stayed flat. They may however continue falling later as the market turns into correction. That is however something we do not know at this point.

So what are the stocks which continued lower today?
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Posted by Martin March 10, 2013


Lending Club Goal 2013 Completed!

Lending Club Goal 2013 Completed!

I would like to announce that I completed my first goal I set for 2013 and that was to reach 14% annual return rate. I am very happy about it, because with this rate of return, my investment will double every 5 years!

My other goals are going well too. It looks like I under-sized my goals and was too generous. But that is OK. If I meet all my goals prematurely I will adjust them for the rest of the year.
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Posted by Martin March 10, 2013


My inspiration in last week #13

My inspiration in last week #13

I often browse the internet to find ideas about investing, trading stocks, options, investing opportunities and strategies. I like to read about investors and what their investing/trading approach to create income you can live on is.


This week I found the following interesting posts:

Monthly Update – February 2013All About Interest …..

Two Notable Dividend IncreasesDividend Engineering

Buying stocks and shares with a credit card?Dividend Stocks

February 2013 net worth update (+2.2%)Leigh’s Financial Journey

Blog Update: February 2013My Financial Independence Journey

3 Charts, 3 Busted Dividend MythsSeeking Alpha

How I Got Out of Debt Without a JobMy Personal Finance Journey

Should You Invest in Rental Property or a REIT?Krantcents

Dividend stocks do provide better returns!Get Financially Integrated!

Should you use debt to buy stocks?Get Financially Integrated!

Warren Buffet Quotes on InvestingYouthful Investor

How Much Is Too Much?Brick By Brick Investing

Honor the Lord with Your FinancesFaithful With A Few

It is amazing to see this principle played out over and over again in our lives. If you are generous even when you have little, God seems to bless your finances to be able to do more than most who have more money than you.

Faithful With A Few

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Posted by Martin March 08, 2013
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New Trade – Safeway Inc. (SWY) put selling

New Trade - Safeway Inc. (SWY) put selling

I was searching for stocks which I can buy, but couldn’t find anything at a decent price. Everything I was interested in is so elevated that I wasn’t comfortable buying at the current price.

So I was thinking that the only way I would be willing to do is to sell a longer term put option. A reason for longer term put would be that I am expecting a correction in price. If I will be assigned, I do not want to be assigned when the price of the stock gets too low. Longer term put should get me thru a potential market correction.
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Posted by Martin March 06, 2013


Stocks which sparked my attention for addition today

Stocks which sparked my attention for addition today

I typically add new stocks into my portfolio, when the overall portfolio value reaches a certain threshold (see here). Before that happens I accumulate the holdings I now hold based on their price action. At today’s high levels I am mostly waiting gor prices to drop. When the stock reverses for either a small or large correction, that is my time.
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