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Archive for May, 2014

Posted by Martin May 27, 2014

New Trade: BUY AUG14 CALLS on GLW 1 AUG14 22 $.57

New Trade: BUY AUG14 CALLS on GLW  1 AUG14 22 $.57

I once traded advanced option strategies which involved all sorts of spreads as well as buying options. At first, I was successful and doubled my account. But also I wasn’t very comfortable with those trades. Many of them were directional trades and I was unable to make money. When the trade went against me, it Continue reading →

Posted by Martin May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

Today, I would like to take the opportunity to express how grateful I am for all our men and women who served this country and paid the highest price for it. I am old enough to remember how Americans treated their soldiers in 70’s and it was sad. I also remember how this attitude changed Continue reading →

The best trade ever

The best trade ever

My yesterday’s trade finished today with full profit. I managed to keep the entire premium I collected and the option against GameStop (GME) expired worthless. Although there were many doubts out there whether GME is a good stock to own or not I trusted my sense and expectations when opening the trade. Of course, I Continue reading →

New Trade: SELL MAY4 14 PUTS on GME (weeklys)

New Trade: SELL MAY4 14 PUTS on GME (weeklys)

This morning I entered another trade against GameStop (GME). It was a bit speculative trade and a source of either a quick profit or a big burn. Today after market close GME reported 1Q results and I took a risk of being burnt if the company reported disappointing results. This trade will expire tomorrow, so Continue reading →

Is the US heading to another recession?

Is the US heading to another recession?

It looks like some analysts and investors are slowly turning bearish on the market. Is this the end of our spectacular and long bull trend? We haven’t experienced too many corrections or significant correction lately and it looks like the market had a spectacular and uninterrupted run up. Take a look at SPY 5 year Continue reading →

Posted by Martin May 20, 2014

Inflation or risk of deflation? No, hyperinflation, but hidden.

Inflation or risk of deflation? No, hyperinflation, but hidden.

Our government is telling us that deflation (price decline) is bad thing and dangerous to economy. The FED wants inflation. They want at least 2% inflation. They want all Americans to pay more. They want all American’s savings to be destroyed faster. They want all Americans to stop saving and start borrowing more money and Continue reading →

New Trade: SELL NOV14 PUTS on GLW

New Trade: SELL NOV14 PUTS on GLW

My account grew a bit once again and I decided to open another trade – a new put selling trade against Corning Inc (GLW). The company in a nutshell manufactures glass (if you can call it that way) which is used in iPhones, smart phones and tablets. That gives the company a great advantage as Continue reading →

“Timing the market” with dividend stocks

There are two types of investors. One type chooses an easy way of investing, the second type is more adventurous. Both approaches are legit and investors choose them according to their style, personality and time they are willing to dedicate to their portfolio.       Passive approach The first type of investors contribute to Continue reading →

Last week trading wasn’t as bad as it looked

Last week trading in my account wasn’t as bad as it originally looked like. Today, I reviewed my account, calculated all numbers and waited for my “Personal Capital” numbers to come in. I let Personal Capital to watch all my accounts. It tracks all my trades and balances. Although my investing or trading style doesn’t Continue reading →

Disaster continued, but navigated my account well thru the storm

Last week loses mounted in my account. At first I started panicking, but then took a deep breath and told to myself: “Hey, calm down, you have a plan!” Sharply falling stocks are an arch enemy of a put selling strategy. If stocks decline smoothly, slowly and not too fast, you can navigate the trades Continue reading →